Morning Read: Villaraigosa Fell Short on Education, Says KPCC
Why Antonio Villaraigosa Fell Short as LA’s Education Mayor As Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa prepares to step down in June, among the achievements he takes credit for during his eight years in office is improving one institution that the law gives him no authority over: the public schools. KPCC CTC to Survey New Teacher Prep Grads...
By Samantha Oltman | March 19, 2013
Morning Read: Decreased Pink Slips Statewide
Dramatic Dip in ‘Pink Slips’ Given to Teachers Reports are still trickling in, but the number could be as low as 2,600 notices statewide – down 87 percent from the 20,000 “pink slips” issued last year and just a 10th of the 26,000 notices issued in 2010, the peak during the recession, according to the California...
By Samantha Oltman | March 15, 2013
Morning Read: Deasy Becomes Key Issue in School Board Races
Deasy Group Aids 3 School Board Candidates Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy isn’t on the ballot Tuesday, but you’d hardly know it, based on the undercurrent of the school board election. LA Times Special Interests Spend Millions, Greuel and James on the Attack Nearly $4 million in independent spending has poured into Los Angeles...
By Samantha Oltman | February 27, 2013
Deasy to Ask Board to Restore Full School Year
Also on the Board agenda for Tuesday, November 13 will be LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy’s proposal to restore the district’s full 180-day academic calendar and repeal all scheduled staff furlough days. Deasy’s just-announced proposal is motivated by the November 6 passage of Prop. 30, whose approval means that LAUSD doesn’t have to cut $255 million...
By Samantha Oltman | November 9, 2012
Schools After COVID: 6 Ways For Districts to Better Engage Parents Amid Concerns About COVID Learning Loss
74 Interview: Why Social Media is Being Blamed for the Youth Suicide Crisis
Thousands of Schools at Risk of Closing Due to Enrollment Loss
Free New AI Tool to Help Americans Search and Compare Student Test Scores Across All 50 States
Morning Read: What Would Be Cut?
Big Districts Divided Over Cutting School Year if Prop. 30 Fails Slightly more than a third report that they do not plan any more furlough days, and the rest say that a shorter school year remains an option that they plan to raise with their unions. Ed Source L.A. Unified Competes For U.S. Funds Without Key...
By Hillel Aron | November 2, 2012