It’s graduation time — for parents. Garcetti, board member Garcia to join hundreds at weekend ceremony
April is graduation month, at least for parents in LA, and tomorrow more than 400 parents will be honored in their own graduation ceremony with a keynote address by Mayor Eric Garcetti and welcome from LA Unified board member Monica Garcia. Saturday morning’s event at Roosevelt High School is the last of three graduations taking...
By LA School Report | April 29, 2016
New online course helps parents brush up on education policy
Via Edsource | By John Fensterwald A joke around Sacramento is that it takes a Ph.D. in Proposition 98 to understand how California schools are funded and governed. The truth is that agood short course is probably all that’s needed for the basics of California’s complex education policies. And now there is one – Ed100.org. Created by...
By LA School Report | June 13, 2014