Ryan J. Smith: How can California be a beacon on a hill if it’s leaving its students at the base of the mountain?
‘Tis the season when we read posts and watch online videos of the young men and women who received their college acceptances. While we celebrate these milestones, the number of students of color and low-income students who are admitted to and complete college are still too few. In California, according to the California Competes, only...
By Ryan J. Smith | April 23, 2018
Ed Trust-West’s Ryan Smith: It’s time for education leaders to take a knee for California’s students
In the historic “Is the American Dream at the Expense of the American Negro?” debate in 1965, author James Baldwin locks horns with conservative leader William F. Buckley Jr. about the significance of the American flag. “It comes as a great shock around the age of 5, 6, or 7 to discover that the flag...
By Ryan J. Smith | October 12, 2017