Morning Read: Greuel to Release Education Plan
Greuel to Release Education Plan Greuel might have wanted her staff to do a little better advance work, because Garcetti is well liked at the school — Camino Nuevo Charter Academy — which he helped get a $700,000 grant to help build a new soccer field,” reports The Times. KPCC Eric Garcetti Avoids Schoolyard Tussle...
By Samantha Oltman | April 11, 2013
LAUSD Suspensions: Not Great, but Not the Worst
Check out this visual breakdown of suspension and discipline rates in school districts across the country, via EdWeek. The positive takeaway is that even three years ago (which is when the data used in this interactive was sampled), LAUSD’s rate of suspensions and expulsions was lower than in many other school districts in the nation. While...
By Samantha Oltman | April 10, 2013
Suspension Rates Vary Widely Among Schools
A new report released by UCLA’s Civil Rights Project adds to a growing collection of data that makes the case against using suspensions and so-called “zero tolerance” policies to discipline middle and high school students. The new report, which looked at middle and high schools across the country, finds significant discipline gaps between white, black,...
By Samantha Oltman | April 9, 2013
Morning Read: Parents Choose New Plan Today
24th Street Elementary Pulling Parent Trigger The Parent Trigger at 24th Street Elementary School in West Adams keeps chugging along — despite what L.A. mayoral candidate Eric Garcetti thinks about it. LA Weekly See also: San Bernardino Sun New Analysis Bolsters Case Against Suspension, Researchers Say The results of a new analysis of out-of-school-suspension data...
By Samantha Oltman | April 9, 2013
Morning Read: Parent Trigger Proposal Well-Received
Proposal for Parent-Trigger Overhaul at L.A. School Well-Received Leaders of a parent group have endorsed a plan to improve 24th Street Elementary, which would be jointly run by L.A. Unified and Crown Prep charter school. LA Times See also: LA School Report, LA Times Now Teacher Dismissal Bill Off and Running With Committee Approval A...
By Samantha Oltman | April 4, 2013
Morning Read: CTA Backs New Teacher Dismissal Bill
In Meeting of the Minds, CTA Also Backs Teacher Dismissal Bill With unusual speed, the California Teachers Association endorsed a bill Assemblymember Joan Buchanan introduced last week that would quicken the process for dismissing teachers. The teachers association joins Sen. Alex Padilla, thus creating a consensus among opposite sides of one of the most contentious issues last...
By Samantha Oltman | March 26, 2013
Truancy Series Wins National Journalism Award
“Punishing Numbers” — a widely-noted investigative series depicting harsh school discipline rules in California schools — has won the top investigative journalism prize for medium-sized newsrooms in the 2012 National Awards for Education Reporting. The series was a joint reporting effort shared by Vanessa Romo at Los Angeles public radio station KPCC, Krissy Clark at San Francisco...
By Samantha Oltman | March 12, 2013
Morning Read: District 4 Race Will Affect Entire District
Could a Single School Board Race Determine the Future of LAUSD? If Zimmer loses to challenger Kate Anderson, both sides agree, that will permanently tip the scales 4 to 3 in favor of a board that pushes for more charter expansion and data based teacher evaluations.KPCC Donations From Independent Groups Shaping City, LAUSD Elections Independent...
By Samantha Oltman | February 22, 2013
Morning Read: Outside Spending Soars in LAUSD Races
Outside spending in LAUSD race tops $2 Million Outside spending for the Los Angeles Unified school board campaign has soared past $2 million – including $1 million in the contentious District 4 race that has shaped up as a pitched battle between reform and union interests. LA Daily News See also: LA School Report Huge...
By Samantha Oltman | February 20, 2013
Morning Read: Deasy Opposes Reduced Testing
Deasy Warns Suspending Standardized Tests Would Hurt At-Risk Students Los Angeles Unified Superintendent John Deasy has fired off a letter to the California schools chief, protesting plans to suspend many standardized exams next year while the state develops a new system of computer-based tests. LA Daily News See also: LA Times Parents, Teachers, Students Oppose...
By Samantha Oltman | January 15, 2013