athletics – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Fri, 18 Mar 2016 00:30:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 athletics – LA School Report 32 32 More concussions reported among LAUSD athletes, but also better monitoring Fri, 18 Mar 2016 00:30:06 +0000 Numbers of concussions at LAUSD schools for the past two years.

Number of concussions at LAUSD schools for the past two years.

Rising concussion numbers have spurred LA Unified to examine how to better monitor head injuries and ensure the safety of student athletes.

“I love football,” said board member Richard Vladovic, who noted that this week the NFL for the first time recognized a link between football and brain disorders. “But I’m very concerned about long-term effects on our children. We need to look at this for our children and warn families of the risks.”

The Budget, Facilities and Audit Committee asked for a report on sports safety with the possibility of bringing additional safety recommendations to the full board. Their call comes in the wake of last year’s Will Smith biopic “Concussion” about the doctor who brought the issue to light.

The LA Unified statistics presented Tuesday to the committee show that 222 concussions or possible concussion injuries have occurred so far this year, compared to 199 for the entire 2014-2015 school year. But it doesn’t mean that more concussions have occurred, only that the district has better ways of identifying and reporting them.

LA Unified has 30,000 students involved in 14 sports from golf to water polo. Cheering will become an official sport districtwide in the 2017-2018 school year.

“We feel these are only a portion of actual concussions,” said the district’s director of student medical services, Dr. Kimberly Uyeda. “I think we are doing better in collecting the data.”


Trenton Cornelius and Dr. Kimberly Uyeda

Trenton Cornelius, the district’s Interscholastic Athletics Coordinator, noted that the statistics may be alarming and said more concussions occur in soccer than football. He said, “It appears like we are doing worse, but we are getting better with treatment and diagnosis about concussions. Our athletic personnel are trained, and it is due to the training that we see the concussion numbers have increased. I fully expect this trend will decline as more safety protocols are in place. We see an increase because now there is education and training to diagnose and report, so this is the only way that we have documentation to see that these kids are treated.

In the past, students who were hit on the field and knocked down but say they are OK would be put back into the game immediately, but that doesn’t happen anymore, insisted Earl Perkins, the assistant superintendent for school operations. He said that six high schools have medically trained personnel at games through a pilot program, and they hope to expand that in the future.

“You don’t have to be unconscious to have a concussion. There are subtle signs that people who are trained appropriately can pick up,” said Uyeda. She said that the district is guided by state laws, strict guidelines and forms required by the district. “The conventional wisdom you have to be knocked out is long gone. Our professional development and continual training are important.”

The new MiSiS computer system coordination is expected to help track students who have a history of head injuries as they go from sport to sport, but the record-keeping has only now begun, Cornelius said.

“In the last few years we have had the ability to track [students with multiple concussions], but that’s only as good as the reporting,” Uyeda said.

Coach Manuel Douglas of the championship Narbonne High School football team said he was not concerned about the school board looking into the sport’s safety. He and his staff have been regularly trained on medical signs, and their helmets and shoulder pads are inspected annually like at every LA Unified school.NarbonneFootball

“Football is a violent game,” Douglas said. “Knock on wood, we have not had many concussions. We train differently, so that it’s not as likely we’ll get as many head injuries. We’re not always a full-go contact during practices.”

Even volunteer coaches, such as Narbonne’s volunteer assistant coach Brandon Manumaleuna, must meet a full list of fingerprint and background checks and have training in CPR, concussions and other first-aid care on a regular basis.

“I don’t expect that they’ll take football out of the school district,” Douglas laughed.

In fact, school board member George McKenna pointed out, “When we have budget cuts and we talk about cutting athletics, the community rises up like nothing else. They’d rather not go to school five days a week than cut athletics.”

Every student participating in sports must have a medical clearance before they join a team. State laws have specific procedures that don’t allow students to return to play for at least seven days after a concussion, and only with outside medical approval.

“It makes it so that there are no mistakes and that a student is not allowed to play sooner than they should,” Uyeda said. “It is not determined by the school or a coach.”

Vladovic said he thinks there should be a warning to all parents. “I don’t want to take dreams away, but we also have legal obligations.”

The district has strict rules about playing and practicing in the heat and when games are delayed due to high or low temperatures. Also, because of concerns about child abuse such as in a case in Torrance Unified School District, Cornelius assured the committee that “there are no procedures where any athlete would be disrobed either fully or partially.”

The athletics staff was asked to come back to the committee in May to give details about the forms that families are asked to sign and the warnings parents are given about students playing sports. They also wanted to know details about how it is determined when a student can no longer play sports after suffering too many injuries.

Board member Monica Ratliff, who admitted she is not necessarily a football fan, added, “We want to make sure our students are safe while out there.”

LA Unified sports coaches seeking their first raise since 1999 Wed, 29 Apr 2015 21:46:53 +0000 Crenshaw FootballWhile teachers have been celebrating a new contract deal that will lead to a 10.4 percent salary increase over two years, most LA Unified athletic coaches are still waiting for their first raise since 1999.

District officials at a Curriculum and Instruction Committee meeting yesterday estimated that 58 percent of school team coaches — the ones running football drills, perfecting swim strokes and tweaking backhands — are “at will employees” with no union representation. That has left them excluded from bargaining negotiations without any prospects of getting a bump in their $2,175 per season stipend.

“When you break it down to a regular season, not counting any of the extra work that coaches have to do, they’re making $8.63 per hour,” Trenton Cornelius, a district Interscholastic Athletic coordinator, told the committee, chaired by board member Mónica Ratliff.

The average coach, according to district data, works at least 18 hours per week for approximately 14 weeks, not including playoffs.

Ironically, the most successful coaches earn even less. When a team makes it to a state finals competition, the season is extended by another six weeks or about 108 additional hours, but a coach’s pay remains unchanged. The average hourly wage in this case is reduced to $6.04. Meanwhile, the district plans to pay raise the minimum wage for members of the services workers union, SEIU 99, to $15 an hour by 2016-17.

Eighty three schools across the district offer organized sports programs for 30,000 students. In all, they can participate in 14 sports, including baseball, cross country, soccer and one girls wrestling team.

Cornelius argued that the low pay, which is about 40 percent below that of comparable districts, coupled with a new district rule that sets the minimum age for coaches at 21, makes it difficult to recruit talented sports team leaders. It also puts a heavy burden on what are essentially volunteers “who coach because they love kids, not because they’re trying to get rich” by actively fundraising for school athletic programs, he added.

As the district faced a multitude of “Sophie’s Choice” budget decisions throughout the recession years, funding for school sports was decimated if not eliminated entirely. And despite the recent state surge in revenues for schools, the district’s athletic programs remain underfunded. As a result, coaches picked up the slack to pay for materials and fees once covered by the district, including uniforms, equipment, tournament fees and even referees.

But learning to handle money raised through car washes and raffles is a complicated business when untrained, part-time seasonal employees are forced to comply with district regulations. And that can put schools and the district in murky legal terrain.

“Most of our coaches, they don’t know the rules,” Cornelius explained.

Students have also been forced to cover for the district by paying for their own uniforms and competition fees. And “that puts most schools in violations of state laws,” Cornelius told the committee.

California schools are forbidden to charge parents or students for educational activities.

Further complicating matters are unforeseen consequences of well intentioned district policies. Breakfast in the Classroom and healthy food and drink regulations that ban the sale of junk food on campus student stores and vending machines have cut into a crucial fund-raising source.

“Now the kids are giving that money to someone else,” he said, and Ratliff agreed, saying the district should revisit the ban on junk food.

Ratliff also raised the question of reaching out to local professional sports teams.

“Have we though about doing that?” she asked Cornelius.

“Yes,” he said, “but those are usually one-time” sources of revenue, he explained.

That prompted board member George McKenna to recall a time once he asked the Lakers for help when he was a school principal.

“They gave us 100 basketballs,” he scoffed. “I never asked them for help again.”

But Cornelius says coaches need help. At the moment, they need better compensation: He says a raise to $15.36 for varsity coaches and $13.21 for lower level coaches would be a great victory.
