Federal Government Grants – LA School Report https://www.laschoolreport.com What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Tue, 29 Jan 2013 18:37:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.4 https://www.laschoolreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-T74-LASR-Social-Avatar-02-32x32.png Federal Government Grants – LA School Report https://www.laschoolreport.com 32 32 Morning Read: Who Will Follow Mayor’s Ed. Lead? https://www.laschoolreport.com/morning-read-who-will-follow-mayors-ed-lead/ https://www.laschoolreport.com/morning-read-who-will-follow-mayors-ed-lead/#respond Tue, 29 Jan 2013 18:37:55 +0000 http://laschoolreport.com/?p=4634 Antonio Villaraigosa Led The Way on Education Reform, but His Potential Successors Are Reluctant to Pick up the Torch
For the last eight years, education reformers have had a staunch ally in the L.A. mayor’s office. But in a few months, Villaraigosa will be gone. LA Weekly
See also:  USC Annenberg, LA School Report

LAUSD to Compete With Charters to Run ‘Parent Trigger’ School
The parents at 24th Street Elementary School in Los Angeles Unified will have plenty of choices for an operator to take over their school under the “parent trigger” process they initiated this month. One of the contenders will be the district itself. EdSource
See also: LA Weekly, KPCC

Former State Senator Martha Escutia Calls for LAUSD Probe
In the wake of yet another sex abuse arrest in the Los Angeles Unified School District, former state Sen. Martha Escutia came to a Wilmington elementary school Monday to call for an LAUSD investigation into what she believes is a pattern of such abuse against Latino youth by teachers in low-income areas. LA Daily News
See also: LA Times

Second Parent Says Principal Ignored Concerns About Accused Teacher
Maria Zacapa, whose child is now in the eighth grade, said her son told her four years ago that Robert Pimental had touched a girl in his fourth-grade class in a way that made Zacapa’s son feel uncomfortable. LA Times

Crenshaw High Group Opposes Reform Plan and School Closings
Parents, students and teachers rallied Monday in front of Crenshaw High School to protest a plan to restructure the low-performing campus and require teachers to reapply for their jobs. LA Times

Linked Learning Comes of Age in California With New Pilot Programs
The California Department of Education has selected 63 districts and county offices of education – many of them working together in consortia – to pilot “linked learning” programs in their high schools beginning next fall. EdSource

Remembering the “One Laptop” Debacle
Need any reminders of what an edtech bubble looks like — the hype, exaggerated promises, enormous influxes of cash and media attention and wastes of time — then refresh your recollection of the 2005 One Laptop Per Child phenomenon in which Nicholas Negroponte said he was going to transform the world by giving poor kids low-income laptops. This Week in Education

Legislation Would Put Enforcement Teeth Into School Safety Plan Requirement
As a national debate continues to simmer over the best methods for protecting students from gun violence, a state senator from Southern California points out that a large number of school districts are failing to develop or update school safety plans – as required by law. SI&A Cabinet Report

Ed. Dept. Raises Evidence, Research Ante in Grant Awards
The U.S. Department of Education is taking the next formal step to make research and evidence far more important factors as it awards competitive grants. EdWeek

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Morning Read: LAUSD Students Get a Say in Lunch https://www.laschoolreport.com/morning-read-lausd-students-get-a-say-in-lunch/ https://www.laschoolreport.com/morning-read-lausd-students-get-a-say-in-lunch/#respond Fri, 21 Dec 2012 17:22:01 +0000 http://laschoolreport.com/?p=3560 Los Angeles Gives Students More Control Over School Lunch
Many school districts nationwide have stepped up efforts to increase the nutritional value of the food they serve and reduce the consumption of foods that drive a growing childhood obesity epidemic. Los Angeles Unified School District has been at the forefront of this movement. Education News

U.S. Department of Education Awards Youth Policy Institute $30 Million Promise Neighborhood Grant
The Youth Policy Institute was one of only five agencies in the nation to be awarded President Obama’s prestigious Promise Neighborhood grant today. Digital Journal

Environmental Charter High in Lawndale Nominated for National Blue Ribbon Award
Fourteen public schools in Los Angeles and Orange counties were among 35 across the state nominated for the 2013 National Blue Ribbon Honor, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today. Daily Breeze

Doomsday Prophecy Prompts Rumors of Violence in Schools
The Mayan prediction that the world will end on Friday has caused rumors of violence in schools, including shootings or bomb threats, and a few districts have canceled classes. NYT

Stockton School Shooting Survivor to Newtown: ‘There Is Hope’
Robert Young was in first grade at Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton when a troubled drifter opened fire on its crowded playground, killing five children. LA Times

California Near Bottom in Number of School Counselors
As a mourning nation focuses on the need for more mental health support for students, California has regularly ranked at or near the bottom among the states in the number of counselors per student. EdSource

NRA Calls for Armed Guards in Schools to Prevent Killings
The Los Angeles Unified School District, the country’s second-biggest system, has armed police officers at high schools, as well as some middle schools, said spokeswoman Ellen Morgan. Bloomberg

Ed Secretary Duncan Proposes New Accountability Rules on Grant Money
As currently drafted, the rule would give the education secretary authority to demand more information from grantees including project-specific performance measures, baseline data and targets. SI&A Cabinet Report

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Board Members Aim to ‘Cuff Supt? https://www.laschoolreport.com/board-proposal-aims-to-cuff-supt/ https://www.laschoolreport.com/board-proposal-aims-to-cuff-supt/#respond Fri, 07 Dec 2012 23:05:02 +0000 http://laschoolreport.com/?p=3151

Board Member Richard Vladovic

A controversial item on the LAUSD School Board agenda this week proposes drastically limiting Superintendent John Deasy’s ability to seek funding for the district by applying for public or private grants.

The resolution, initiated by School Board Members Richard Vladovic, Bennett Kayser, and Marguerite LaMotte, aims to give the school board veto power over grant applications made by the school superintendent in amounts over $750,000.

According to a source with knowledge about LAUSD grant applications, Supt. Deasy has been awarded about $120 million dollars for the district through grants so far.

Because of the split on the school board between union-backed board members and supporters of reform-minded Deasy, the effect would be to severely limit the district’s ability to attract foundation and federal money.

LAUSD Board Member Nury Martinez doesn’t see the point of the resolution.  “As a board member, I fight for more resources for my district,” Martinez said. “Why would we create a roadblock to securing more resources?” She said she doesn’t know why the board would want to “create another step in the process to relieve cash-strapped schools with additional funding.”

Board Member Richard Vladovic was not available for comment.

To read the full resolution, see page 13 of the board agenda.

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