Education Funding – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Fri, 17 May 2013 20:41:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Education Funding – LA School Report 32 32 Brown Soft-Sells School Formula in LA Fri, 17 May 2013 20:37:37 +0000

Gov. Brown addresses reporters and photographers

Governor Jerry Brown continued to promote his Local Control Funding Formula proposal at a Friday morning press conference at East LA’s Humphreys Elementary.

Joining him was an All-Star cast that included LA Chamber of Commerce CEO Gary Toebben, United Way CEO Elise Buik, School Board member Bennett Kayser, former State Senator and City Council candidate Gil Cedillo, UTLA President Warren Fletcher, and LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy, who (in what must be an extremely rare occurrence) introduced Fletcher to the podium as “my union president.”

The Governor presented his plan as a small but important change in how funds are allocated to districts like LA.  Deasy described its passage as a make-or-break $188 million game changer. His chief intergovernmental relations staffer noted that there were some LA-area legislators who hadn’t yet gotten behind the plan.

The Brown proposal would divert more money to school districts like LAUSD with a higher concentration of low-income students and English Language Learners.

Left to right: John Deasy, Warren Fletcher, Gil Cedillo

Brown’s sales pitch played down the new formula’s reach.

“We’re trying to compensate a little bit for the difference of living in this neighborhood, and living over there in Beverly HIlls, or out in Malibu,” he said.

“This is a small but very powerful way of giving to those who don’t have much.”

Deasy put a much sharper emphasis on the importance of the proposed formula, which he said would mean a $188 million difference for LAUSD in the next school year alone.

“Our entire budget is predicated on this passing,” Deasy told LA School Report after the presser. “We don’t have a second scenario. We’ve put our trust in the Governor.”

The event was pulled together for several reasons, according to those who were involved.
The Governor already had an event planned in Long Beach about solar panels.
He may also have wanted to give a boost to candidate Cedillo, who is locked in a close City Council race with Jose Gardea. Brown has already endorsed Cedillo, but the event will likely give the candidate some free TV, especially on Spanish-language stations.

Perhaps most surprising, there are still some LA-based legislators who are not yet totally on board and might be influenced by the Governor’s appearance.

“They’re still some skepticism,” said Edgar Zazueta, Director of LAUSD’s Office of Governmental Relations. “You hear this a lot: ‘I’m supportive of the concept but…'”

Many legislators, he said, are concerned over “Issues like accountability, and how to make sure money is spent appropriately.”

Zazueta also said that policy staffers who’ve worked in the Capital for decades are especially suspicious of the plan, which would remove some 60-odd categorical funds (sometimes called “silos”) that can only be spent in specific ways.

“There’s a very influential policy staff who drive most of the big education conversations,” said Zazueta. “They’re the ones who are dissecting this more than everyone.”

The collapsing of the categorical funds into larger pots of money that local districts have more control over is “a hard pill to swallow for people that have spent their whole career developing the system.”

Brown, meanwhile, tried to stress that the redistributive portion of his plan was simply a small but in important part of the formula — 20 percent of all the education funding.

“People in Sacramento want to take that and spray it over everybody,” said Brown. “It will  be pennies compared to the dollars that it means here.”

He added, later: “I can’t believe that any Democrat would go against this.”

Previous posts: Deasy Joins Governor’s Funding Formula OffensiveGov’s “Weighted” Funding Formula Will Transform LAUSDDeasy Praises Brown Budget Proposal

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Deasy Praises Brown Budget Proposal Thu, 10 Jan 2013 23:41:52 +0000

Gov. Jerry Brown

LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy praised the budget proposal California Gov. Jerry Brown released today, saying in a press release, “the changes announced today are quite positive for our students in the Los Angeles Unified School District.”

In his proposal, Governor Brown would fund school districts based on the number of its students and the level of challenges faced by its students, meaning districts like LAUSD with higher enrollments of low-income students and English language learners would be eligible for more state funding. According to Deasy, the Brown proposal would prevent new furloughs or budget cuts.

To see the summary of Gov. Brown’s 2013-2014 budget proposal, click here. To see Superintendent Deasy’s full press release, click here.

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Board Members Aim to ‘Cuff Supt? Fri, 07 Dec 2012 23:05:02 +0000

Board Member Richard Vladovic

A controversial item on the LAUSD School Board agenda this week proposes drastically limiting Superintendent John Deasy’s ability to seek funding for the district by applying for public or private grants.

The resolution, initiated by School Board Members Richard Vladovic, Bennett Kayser, and Marguerite LaMotte, aims to give the school board veto power over grant applications made by the school superintendent in amounts over $750,000.

According to a source with knowledge about LAUSD grant applications, Supt. Deasy has been awarded about $120 million dollars for the district through grants so far.

Because of the split on the school board between union-backed board members and supporters of reform-minded Deasy, the effect would be to severely limit the district’s ability to attract foundation and federal money.

LAUSD Board Member Nury Martinez doesn’t see the point of the resolution.  “As a board member, I fight for more resources for my district,” Martinez said. “Why would we create a roadblock to securing more resources?” She said she doesn’t know why the board would want to “create another step in the process to relieve cash-strapped schools with additional funding.”

Board Member Richard Vladovic was not available for comment.

To read the full resolution, see page 13 of the board agenda.

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