Comments on: High-performing Alliance charter schools celebrate 10 years What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:51:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raj Acharya Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:51:59 +0000 In reply to Susan Graham.

Personal attacks do not help in any way.

By: paula hrdle Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:26:21 +0000 In reply to Dr. P.

Hey, did you go to the same school as DZ, you sound like a supporter of that same old bs of good charter, bad public schools.

By: Dr. P Thu, 13 Nov 2014 03:10:53 +0000 In reply to Susan Graham.

“Personal responsibility” What a joke. LAUSD needs to have its educators take “personal responsibility” for their performance as educators.

By: Dr. P Thu, 13 Nov 2014 03:09:29 +0000 In reply to Michael Sturdevant.

I am an educator. I just do not dance to the union song. I have seen charters with SPED populations in excess of 20%. The schools I have worked with DO NOT ASK ABOUT EL STATUS OR IEPS BEFORE THE CHILD IS REGISTERED. You are spouting a bunch of total falsehoods.

By: Michael Sturdevant Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:31:16 +0000 In reply to R P.

Here is another non-educator speaking with authority. NO, sir. They do discriminate. And it is how they discriminate that is so significant, such as issuing statements like “We do not have the resources to serve your English language learner, your emotionally disturbed child, your mentally retarded child, fill in the blank. They also can kick kids out.

Cut the empty rhetoric or stay off these boards.

By: Susan Graham Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:23:02 +0000 In reply to R P.

We don’t use IQ tests anymore. Where have you been for the last 20 years? Any kid who is self-motivated can make it into a magnet. The key is self-motivation and the ability to stay on task.

By: Susan Graham Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:21:41 +0000 In reply to R P.

B.S. Every magnet teacher I know goes above an beyond for their students and they are really teaching. The magnet kids at Fremont and other urban school don’t have the skills of the kids at Palos Verdes but they work their asses off with the help of their teachers.
Yours is just more slander against public school teachers. We don’t give up on kids but kids must take some responsibility. Charters in fact give up on kids all the time. That’s why there are lines around the blocks of public schools at certain times of the year. These are the kids coming back from charters that don’t want them.

By: R P Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:18:10 +0000 In reply to Susan Graham.

Magnets are poor district design. What they do is take all the self motivated kids that would succeed of their own accord and shove them in one place.

I remember talking to a Coach/AP teacher from Palos Verdes. He taught his AP class by sitting on his butt reading while the kids did book work and crammed. They wanted to pass, so the school got high AP pass rates without him actually teaching. In an urban charter, that lets LOADS of kids access AP coursework, teachers work their butts off to get maybe a 20 or 30% AP pass rate.

Charters don’t give up on kids. The Magnet system does exactly that. Its sets the self motivated kids apart and leaves the rest like crabs in a barrel.

By: R P Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:12:11 +0000 In reply to Westside Observer.

Charters take whoever walk through their doors until they reach capacity. The idea that charters “lock kids out” is a myth.

By: R P Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:10:03 +0000 In reply to Pleb SPQR.

Yes, LAUSD segregates its students and uses a deterministic system “teacher recommendations” and IQ tests for “Gifted” kids to send some to “magnet” schools while the rest languish in subpar educational settings. That is NOT an equitable model. It totally throws most low income, urban kids under the bus.

By: Westside Observer Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:04:59 +0000 In my opinion, Charters will never be successful until the stop locking out local kids and service any kid that walks in off the street. The student cap is what allows charter school to discriminate and service “their kids” and not “all kids.”

By: paula hrdle Wed, 12 Nov 2014 14:15:59 +0000 I believe in students having a choice of schools and parents directing that but I would like to see these so called successful charters run w/o public monies. Who does oversight on them and who is making the profits. I believe in privately funded schools that are charters, not publicly funded ones. They just take funds from public schools and brag about how good they are after creaming all the best students for their programs, The problem child, special ed, english learner edited out.

By: Susan Graham Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:39:04 +0000 In reply to Pleb SPQR.

Spot on and in fact many are 800 and above.

By: Susan Graham Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:37:55 +0000 Except, Dear Alliance Schools, You don’t think every kid can do it because I used to see your former students when they showed up on my South LA high school campus with extremely low skills and a bad attitude. I guess that “attrition rate” doesn’t really count.

And in fact Fremont’s Magnet School (not my school) is designated as a high achieving magnet and they have regular public school teachers with a shorter day and union protections and yet 98% of their kids graduate and go on to college and I can guarantee you their attrition rate back to the regular school is far less than yours. What about the rest of Fremont’s students and other students in South LA? They haven’t figured out that success is a decision and personal responsibility is the key. Not charter schools. Personal responsibility.

By: Victor Tellez Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:43:22 +0000 Longer days and principal autonomy are the difference. Not only charter schools can do that. If school boards were fun by true educators instead of politicians, if districts gave schools more autonomy, this would have been achieved at all public schools eons ago.

By: Pleb SPQR Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:13:50 +0000 Do a little research… and I will bet that the LAUSD Magnet Schools will have an API that is better than 760.
