Comments on: Analysis: LAUSD board contemplates enrollment drop What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:09:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: pd Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:01:00 +0000 In reply to rajacharya.

Charter schools are increasing not because it is a natural trend but a man made one to provide profits for private interests. A charter is like a scab against our public schools. In order for them to prosper, the public schools will have to decline and possibly disappear. Private greed is driving this trend to charters, call it what it truly is.

By: Al Holcomb Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:43:00 +0000 In reply to rajacharya.

See, you’re just a troll, which is what I knew all along. Joyous Kwanzaa, old sport.

By: rajacharya Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:48:00 +0000 In reply to Al Holcomb.

Wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.

By: Al Holcomb Sun, 14 Dec 2014 23:14:00 +0000 In reply to rajacharya.

Playing lawyer again? Don’t tell me to calm down, don’t tell me what to say, and don’t tell me to stop finding fault. Get it? It’s called Freedom of Speech. That’s what we have in this country. If you don’t like it, piss off.

By: flyr Sat, 13 Dec 2014 21:16:00 +0000 In reply to robert.

Teachers have a lot to do with the composition of the board through their political contributions and activities

By: robert Sat, 13 Dec 2014 20:11:00 +0000 Right now the competition is for students very soon the competition will be for Teachers keep the faith.

By: robert Sat, 13 Dec 2014 20:09:00 +0000 In reply to flyr.

Only time will tell keep in mind this is all the doing of the Administration and the Board …..Teachers have nothing to do with that issue nothing at all and yet Teachers are blamed for incompetence and greed they sell it to the haters of public Education and the haters ignorantly buy into the bull.

By: flyr Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:10:00 +0000 In reply to pd.

But you have no problem with multi million dollar and billion dollar insider deals at LAUSD .

I would rather that charter school operators make $1 of profit than LAUSD waste $10 plus $3 in losses to outright corruption.

It is the classic argument of unions and corrupt politicians, exterminate competition rather than reform.

How many LAUSD execs and board members have gone to jail in the last decade. 0

If you look at the hundreds of millions spent on attorneys and lawsuits arising from corruption, stupidity and dereliction of duty. Dozens of people at LAUSD knew the problems at Mira Monte. Their reaction – sent a community organizer /”mediator” to intimidate the parents (many illegals) rather than solve the problem.

The district knew the $15 million paid to Murello was an insider job. Key people delayed the purchase of the site so long that the seller gave Murello the right to buy the property upon which LAUSD had authorized a school, spent tens of millions on planning and announced the start of construction. It was not the only deal where insiders tried to put Murello ( one of the corrupt favorites of the board and the mayor’s office) in a position to profit from insider information and actions of the LAUSD

None of the union folk seem concerned that the last sup engineered the theft of $1 billion of improvement funds for the insider iPad deal. That the RFP was written with the direction of Apple and Pearson. That a third grader could have negotiated a better deal, that the authorization was rammed through the board although staff admitted it was neither fully negotiated or documented . It was like Obamacare a toxic package of hidden deals and bad decisions rushed through for the sole purpose of avoiding sunlight on the corruption and misuse of funds.

I don’t think the arrogant leaders at LAUSD understand or care that for many taxpayers it was the last straw . That future bond issues will fail because we no longer are willing to mortgage our homes to pay for LAUSD’s corruption and incompetence.

By: pd Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:39:00 +0000 You think there is abuse in public schools, charters are worst. Just look at the story the other day about a public charter, a charter getting taxpayer monies, transferring that money to a private corporation and no oversight is or was done of taxpayer money, how it is being used to enrich private charter operations. It’s done all over the place and no one says anything about it. I don’t want my taxes being used to enrich a private charter operation. Period.

By: rajacharya Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:34:00 +0000 In reply to robert.

I was just extrapolating and describing one possible scenario. There may be many other scenarios that may require serious thought. Your idea of long hours, low pay will definitely reach a breaking point is probably best prediction at this time. Those are the pitfalls and there may be many more I was referring to in my comment.

Of course it is time for the teachers to start organizing the charter school sector, which is one way to fight for your rights. I am not sure about the cream of the crop kids (if true), once they reach a majority, that may not work. That is when the charter schools reach a difficult situation.

The discouragement of kids to enter the teaching careers is strictly the result of the poor pay structure and no possible way of advancing even if you are the best teacher. I believe this is a structural problem and needs to be confronted head on in the union and political arena.

By: pd Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:33:00 +0000 How to mitigate decreasing enrollment. Stop opening more and more charters stupid! We really need to get this board out since it seems determined to destroy the public schools to booster charters. Get rid of the BOE is the first step in stopping this decline.

By: rajacharya Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:17:00 +0000 In reply to Al Holcomb.

Fact: I did not attack you, but you did attack me.

I suggest that you calm down.

By: robert Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:16:00 +0000 I still believe it will backfire in the long run b/c many charter school teachers want to be paid, working long hours and being paid lower wages has a breaking point as is LAUSD teachers are already paid low as the older baby boomer teachers retire you have less experienced teachers coming in and for less pay goody goody right ?? wrong you will see teachers organize for union representation it’s those very same teachers who work at charter schools right now who want out those teachers want to work at LAUSD, furthermore as charter schools grow at the rate raj was talking about they will not be able to get the cream of the crop kids ….scores will be lower its a mathematical certainty my opinion is this LAUSD will grow based on more immigrant kids coming in some charters will grow also but some charters will not, fact some charters close down due to ineffectiveness and some embezzle also students are being disouraged about becoming teachers I have kids who at first were thinking about becoming teachers now would rather be administrators they say that’s were the money is at lol!!!! bottom line charters will win and charters will lose but LAUSD will always be there.

By: flyr Sat, 13 Dec 2014 08:13:00 +0000 One clue, in Los Angeles as in most other urban (blue) centers , a far higher % of public school teachers send their kids to private schools than do the general public.

The superintendent was reappointed despite the fact that while there were very serious, known cases of molestation occurring in the district he either engaged in or attempted to forcefully engage in sex with a male staff member. The now sup claims it was consensual although the women’s lib gang would day that there is no such thing as consensual sex with the boss. The ultimate cost to the district is unknown./

If I wanted to donate $100,000 to buy 250 iPads for the students at Manual Arts (my 7 year old negotiated a better deal than did LAUSD), the school district would impose a tax of about 35,000, requiring me to donate $135,000. Hard to think of a more effective means of discouraging citizens from helping schools.

Recently AG Eric Holder decreed that schools which have higher discipline rates for black students are discriminating , regardless of the facts. Thus , if a school or district has an absolutely colorblind disciplinary policy but more blacks are disciplined that the school will be prosecuted by DOJ for discrimination. The reason that LAUSD should have publically opposed Holder is that young black men, to many of whom have never had a real father in home) have a vastly higher rate of murder and other violent crimes. Discipline in the school may be the last chance to save them and to maintain order in the classrooms so that other students can learn. Blinded by political correctness, LAUSD endorsed the policy, at the expense of all students and especially black students .

The iPad deal at LAUSD was not done by the Sup alone. Lots of others participated and yet they are being overlooked. Furthermore the District hired outside counsel to deal with the federal investigation. Since the investigation is about corruption in the district it’s hard for a taxpayer to understand why the district did not offer its full cooperation and instruct every employee and consultant to cooperate fully, preserve all records and report any potentially illegal or unethical acts.

The audacity of the district to take construction and maintenance funds to purchase iPads was a breach of the public trust with immense consequences. Why should a taxpayer agree to have his home encumbered by bonds when the proceeds are misused by the district.

By: flyr Sat, 13 Dec 2014 07:30:00 +0000 It’s not real complicated.






By: Al Holcomb Sat, 13 Dec 2014 02:10:00 +0000 In reply to rajacharya.

We’ll do whatever we want to do, and if you don’t like freedom of speech, you can go start your own fascist country. Good luck.

I will continue to point out the District’s hypocrisy, laziness, corruption, malfeasance, and large-scale destructive influence on the youth of LA.

By: rajacharya Fri, 12 Dec 2014 23:34:00 +0000 It is time for everyone involved to contribute to the improvement of the LAUSD instead of finding fault with charters, blaming the administration, blaming philanthropists, parents and every one else. The charter schools are growing at a rate which can be predicted using geometric progression and are here to stay unless for some unknown reason their performance take dramatic downturn, which is unlikely.

Every year the number of students enrolled in the charter schools in LAUSD increases by a factor of ~1.2 as compared to the previous year. If this trend holds for a few more years, charter schools will educate a majority of students at LAUSD soon. The impact of such a dramatic change in the educational environment will be phenomenal, good or bad only time can tell.

A wise person caught up in this environment will start preparing for such a profound change rather than fighting against the windmills. Future job opportunities will be in the Charter school sector with all its pitfalls, increased insecurity, greater mobility and other challenges.
