Comments on: For Badger, the campaign to win an LAUSD board seat is personal What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:24:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elizabeth Badger Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:24:00 +0000 Thank you Ms. Romo for speaking with me today regarding my election for LAUSD Board (District 3). What you failed to mention was that the Parents and Voters are not only mad about the $1.3B loss of IPAD dollars,( when teachers have not had a raise in over 7 years, when our schools need more teachers, nurses, librarians) but many, many other issues ineffective decisions like:
(1)Non-leadership and support of our Special Needs children (2) Supporting Ineffective policies which have led to low graduation rates, high-drop out rates. According to Claremont College’s Robert Day School of Economics In 2010 our graduation rates were 67.9% and today it is 62.4% (3) the MYSIS reporting disaster which is still not fixed (4) Miramonte crisis where the perpetrator of our children were allowed to retire with full benefits (4) Failure to support an Ethnic curriculum when in an 75% ethinic community (5) failure to attend LAUSD board sub-committee meetings. Although I can understand because working PART-TIME for the last eight years..time might not allow her time to show up for for our CHILDREN!!

This reporter makes a prediction about other endorsements (UTLA, SEIU), but it failed to mention that Ms. Galatzan (a democratic incumbent) ABSOLUTELY received a “NO CONFIDENCE/NO ENDORSEMENT” vote rom Los Angeles Democratic Party and San Fernando Valley Democratic Party. Usually, the Party supports sitting incumbents, but this NO Endorsement/NO Confidence vote aligns with how parents and community are feeling about our PART-TIME Incumbent!

Our district and children deserves a FULL-TIME Board member who cares about our children, and will make SMART, THOUGHTFUL decisions on behalf of our children. We have seen what 8 years of PART-TIME looks like, and we’ve had enough!!!
