SAT – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Wed, 23 Oct 2013 18:06:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SAT – LA School Report 32 32 LA Unified Has Slight Rise in SAT Takers, Average Scores Mon, 21 Oct 2013 18:51:09 +0000 SAT_achieve moreThe number of LA Unified 12th-graders taking the SAT test rose last year, along with the District’s average test scores on critical reading, mathematics, and writing portions of the exam, according to new data from the College Board, which develops the test.

Nearly half of the most recent graduating class took the SAT, 22,106 seniors for the 2012-13 academic year, compared with 22,004 the year before.

“The trend continues in the right direction,” Superintendent John Deasy said in a press release.

The district’s average scores outpaced statewide gains on the test, while nationwide scores remained stagnant. The average LA unified score on critical reading rose four points to 435 (out of 800), while the average score on mathematics and writing each rose one point, to 442 and 437 respectively.

The schools with the highest percentage of seniors taking the SAT were Harbor Teacher Prep Academy with 94.3 percent, Foshay Learning Center (92.7), LACES (90.2), Contreras Learning Center (85.1) and 32nd/USC Performing Arts Magnet (84).

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