Comments on: New chief of troubled Magnolia: ‘I’ve done this work before’ What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ellen Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:01:00 +0000 Read all about the Magnolia Schools in LA and others all over the US, plus the thousands of madrassas worldwide owned by Fetullah Gulen who is considered to be shaping the Middle East to prepare for a second Ottoman Empire.
Google Sharon Higgins who is one of the most knowledgeable reporters on this Turkish Imam who is a strict follower of Sharia Law.
Beach Girl…do some homework.
Thank you Ozgur for always following up on very serious situation.

By: Ozgur Cengiz Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:32:00 +0000 Beach Girl “Who these guys are” – Office of the Inspector General, FBI, Legal Counsel of LAUSD, DOE, DHS, FCC, IRS, DOL. Concerned American citizens and American teachers. Shall we go on?

By: BeachGirl Sun, 11 Jan 2015 17:00:00 +0000 I am really curious who those guys are that are continuously bothering Magnolias. I have been hearing their accusations for years but I didn’t observe any religious affiliation for years. I have 2 daughters attending Magnolia and I can say Magnolia is the BEST. No Doubt. You Magnolia accusers, stop accusing Magnolias. This is America and we Americans don’t care about your politics in Turkey.

By: pd Sat, 10 Jan 2015 05:36:00 +0000 In reply to Ozgur Cengiz.

This is surprising a little. It seems these charters with affiliations with this movement are not something we should be promoting from a educational viewpoint. It’s not surprising that Caprice Young is breaking her neck to take this position which will mean a lot of money and political connections for her. It doesn’t seem like a former public school board member should prostitute herself for that almighty dollar but everyone has their price. Doesn’t reflect well on her or Monica Garcia. I guess it was all about the money from the beginning. Sad.

By: Ozgur Cengiz Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:32:00 +0000 In reply to Ellen.

Their school in Egypt was closed last week, and the Egyptian authorizes removed the Turkish flags and replaced with Egyptian flags. The Turkish teachers without proper paperwork were deported back to Turkey the school taken over by Egypt’s educational ministry. This week Tajikistan announced closure of all 11 Gulen operated Turkish schools immediately.
As you know Turkey’s parliament has ordered Gulen schools closed the schools serve the movement in many ways: Winning over local academia, politicians, business deals, and recruit for future members. In Turkey only Gulen School graduates were insured places high up in the government like police, judiciary system, etc., hence Gulen’s marching orders “You must work into the arteries of the system until you reach all power centers”
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have also closed the Gulen Turkish schools. In other countries they still have a lot of scrutiny, under investigation in the USA mostly for the financial mismanagement of grants, loans. The State of Georgia is free of them as they were denied renewal of Fulton Science Academy they went to the state thinking they had clout. Who denied them a state charter, the one school is a private school.
It was a brilliant plan in the short 16 years they existed in the USA but their time in the USA is drawing to a close. It will be interesting to see exactly how it will end but knowing them as I do they never go away quietly or without a drama. I just hope no children are hurt.

By: Ozgur Cengiz Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:21:00 +0000 In reply to Ellen.

correction, injunctive ‘TEMPORARY” relief only insures that LAUSD is following proper policies and procedure for closure. This judge was very clear he doesn’t take fraud lightly but was not happy with the charter termination letter from LAUSD and no plans for the students whose parents went in panic mode because there was no meeting or plans for their kids. Injunctive relief has stipulations the Gulen Movement is to 1-open their books up every month.2-rid themselves of the extra layer of double dipping Accord Institute 3- not spend taxmoney on H1-b visas for more Turkic male teachers 4- LAUSD is to have a formal meeting about closure (they did in August 2014). what will be interesting is to see how Magnolia magically got $9 million in their account after they were found to be insolvent- ironically 4 days after the denial letter they swindled a $6 million facility grant from the state of California and no doubt Accord refunded some funds to help “swell” their account up overnight to appear solvent. You are correct on Caprice she is Anti Public School and has emassed a fortune (her and her husband) off of privatizing of schools. Lets just see how this court case goes and if the Gulenists can handle discovery and interrogatory phases. They hate transparency and usually get caught up in their own lies.

By: Ozgur Cengiz Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:08:00 +0000 1) Capricious Caprice Young- has done everything in her power to dismantle traditional public schools. While she was CEO of CCSA (California Charter School Association) over 300 charter schools opened. Some very hastly (like the Gulen “inspired” schools) from what I understand Caprice still has stock value in CCSA, she also is very anti-Teacher union and labor structures. While on the board of LAUSD she was ousted for her anti-teacher union bias and was a guest speaker of the Gulen lobbying Pacifica Institute. No doubt has accepted campaign money from them as Monica Garcia has. Isn’t this something that Capricious Caprice should be honest about? Caprice has earned millions from her different work in taping into public funds and foundations.
2) Before Murat Biyak, it was Mehmet Argin and Umit Yapanel and Suleyman Bacheci, all are known members of the Gulen Movement. Mehmet came from their Sonoran Science Academy/Paragon iScience in Arizona and Umit or Matt came from Lotus School of Excellence in Colorado. Where he tried for an expansion but was denied because of money and low test scores. Umit took this before the state board of Colorado where he failed. Face it Caprice – the Magnolia operation should have never been allowed to open, they were originally the “Dialogue Foundation” then changed to MERF which is religious in it’s nature. Their layers of businesses and front groups suck out millions from the schools. From there it’s money laundered and eventually used to lobby for Turkey and other Turkic countries.
3) Caprice says she doesn’t care about their religion or who they are? – Well she should now that the Gulen networks have been declared a national security threat in Turkey. Their leader exiled Imam Fethullah Gulen also has an arrest warrant and extradition papers waiting for him back to Turkey (and hopefully taking his army of parasitic thieves back with him) These people are dangerous and are savvy with giving the illusion their schools are the best, even printing up fake awards for contests that their front groups sponsor. In fact, if Caprice had bothered to investigate she would find that on the OECD rankings Turkey is ranked below standard in education – just below Mexico and Chile. Not to mention the fact that their schools are now ordered closed in Turkey.
Congratulations to The Gulen Movement, you might have found someone that can manipulate some favors for you. Gulenists can try to hide in the background of Gavurs but we all know who is going to control the money and continue to try and garner local lobbying via Pacifica with Academia, media and politicians.
But beware, you might have found someone that can beat you at your own game of swindling money and power away.
Just take a look at Caprice Young’s already controversial background and understand that nothing will stop the impending court case, or the statewide forensics audit. You can put lipstick on the pig all you want but it changes nothing. As for the students? LAUSD should be working with the schools they are closing to facilitate new schools for the children as the Gulen school that was shuttered in Lousiana – Abramson Math and Science Academy. The verdict is still out on the 20 “Gulen inspired” schools that were raided by the FBI.
The Movement has an agenda in the USA as they did worldwide, the schools are merely a catalyst for their businesses, lobbying, political, and grants taken from the government. They are not honest people, in fact they are liars plain and simple. They don’t care about American kids only what the schools mean to them which is increasing share of power. as their hocaefendi instructs “You must work into the arteries of the system until you reach all power centers”

By: lausdteacher Fri, 09 Jan 2015 20:36:00 +0000 It is sickening that “charter” meaning private schools get our tax payer money to make some foreigner with antithetical values rich. This is a scam and designed to break down the cohesiveness and values of American society.

By: Ellen Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:54:00 +0000 Addendum…the FBI is investigating the LAUSD Magnolia charters and two were slated to be shut down for financial shenanigans…but wealthy and powerful parents got an injunction from a friendly judge who said the should not be penalized, as kept the schools open this term. The FBI is also investing Gulen schools in other areas of the country.
It is ludicrous that The Gulen Movement hired the most anti public school LAUSD former BoE member. Seems to be few scruples in this process.

By: Ellen Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:49:00 +0000 No where does your article mention that the Magnolia Charter Schools are owned and run by Fetullah Gulen, the notorious Turkish Imam whose goal is to institute Sharia law in Turkey and the Middle East. He is funding his political push with the money he scams from the Amercian taxpayer as the biggest purveyor on charters in the nation. In Texas, they are the Harmony Schools, and there are about 147 nationwide. In addition, he funds and runs about 2000 madrassas world wide. This mysterious Imam lives on the largesse of the American public in his highly guarded compound in the Poconos Mountains. Why is he, a foreign national under indictment in his own county, allowed by the US to run his lucrative (about $500 million a year) charter operation here on our taxpayers money?
