Comments on: Analysis: Just what does Caputo-Pearl’s first-round victory mean? What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Tue, 22 Apr 2014 04:18:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Alva Tue, 22 Apr 2014 04:18:37 +0000 Alex has a big task in front of him, namely, to keep his loyalists satisfied with big actions, engage LAUSD with compelling arguments and a mandate from the membership, and to grow the mandate from within the membership. I’m totally in to help him do all these things, especially when it comes to engaging those of us who want a more professional association, with more positive messages and a lot more support for our profession from within UTLA. This doesn’t always look like a threat, a strike or angry rhetoric. I hope that the Union Power people will respect our new leader as much as I will, and be as open to working with the rest of us as we need them to be.

By: Susan Graham Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:17:40 +0000 Nathanial,

I also think that many teachers don’t plan to spend their careers in the district. The employment situation outside of LAUSD has improved dramatically with districts interviewing veteran teachers and willing to go up as high as 15 years on the salary scale.

I do think your analysis that we are not “fighting for our lives” the way teachers in Wisconsin and Chicago are is right on point. We have Jerry Brown, Torlaksan and a decline in the teacher hating rhetoric that was at its height during the top of the Great Recession. But we should not be complacent.

By: Nathaniel West Mon, 21 Apr 2014 23:48:48 +0000 The reality is that most teachers in LA didn’t get into the profession to “fight”.

Most honestly want to provide the best for their kids.

The war came to them in the form of a tsunami called “Education Reform”. I think it’s obvious that most teachers in the district are not nearly as politicized as their fellows in Chicago. They are not fighting for their lives like those in Wisconsin or Florida or Kansas or New Jersey and various principally very urban municipalities.

But many do listen to the national rhetoric being directed towards teachers. It is hardly flattering, fuzzy wuzzy or ennobling. We are constantly TOLD to do this. Then THIS.Then THIS. Politicians, businessmen and front Ed Reform groups infantilize the profession insisting that greater autonomy be taken from teachers and more orders given to them.

I have no idea how effective Union Power will be for teachers. I, of course, wish them the best. The apathy that Mr. Janofsky refers to might be the very same “apathy” that afflicts poorer communities that are beaten down. Rich voters turn out in far greater numbers than the poor. I hope this union will demonstrate how teachers’ interests ARE kids’…
