State Board of Education – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:58:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 State Board of Education – LA School Report 32 32 Teachers’ unions vow to fight Vergara decision, others celebrate Tue, 10 Jun 2014 17:00:49 +0000 Teachers union reacts to Vergara decision LAUSD

Teachers’ union reacts to Vergara decision

California’s teacher unions vowed to fight today’s Vergara ruling that called teacher dismissal, seniority and tenure laws unconstitutional as other education groups applauded the court’s decision.

Alex Caputo-Pearl, UTLA President-elect

“All the school will be [adversely affected], but the schools where conditions are worst, which is often south LA, that’s the equity issue we’re talking about. At those schools, teachers are going to be at particular risk.”

“This ruling is striking down statutes. It affects all teachers, particularly teachers who stick their necks out, who build programs with students, do all the extra things, that spend way more than 2 percent of their salary on their classrooms. Those teachers in the toughest conditions who stick their necks out the most, are going to be at risk from an administrator who doesn’t like them, or from someone who doesn’t like an approach to their curriculum. All teachers are affected by this.”

Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers President

“Sadly, there is nothing in this opinion that suggests a thoughtful analysis of how these statutes should work. There is very little that lays groundwork for a path forward. Other states have determined better ways—ways that don’t pit teachers against students, but lift up entire communities. Every child is entitled to a high-quality education regardless of his or her ZIP code. And no parent should have to rely on a lottery system to get his or her child into a good school.

“This will not be the last word. As this case makes it through an appeal, we will continue to do what we’ve done in state after state. We will continue to work with parents and communities to fight for safe and welcoming neighborhood public schools that value both kids and the women and men who work with them. No wealthy benefactor with an extreme agenda will detour us from our path to reclaim the promise of public education.”

Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

“All children deserve great teachers. Attracting, training, and nurturing talented and dedicated educators are among the most important tasks facing every school district, tasks that require the right mix of tools, resources, and expertise. Today’s ruling may inadvertently make this critical work even more challenging than it already is.

“While I have no direct jurisdiction over the statutes challenged in this case, I am always ready to assist the Legislature and Governor in their work to provide high-quality teachers for all of our students. Teachers are not the problem in our schools, they are the solution.”

Josh Pechthalt, California Federation of Teachers President

“We know that this is not the last word on this case. We know what’s in the record of evidence, and we have a high degree of confidence that we will prevail on the appeal.”

John LeeTeach Plus Senior Executive Director

“We are thrilled with Judge Treu’s ruling in the groundbreaking trial of Vergara v. California. The success of the plaintiffs in this case is a historic milestone in public education.  It reaffirms students’ fundamental constitutional right to equality in education.

“By resetting the conversation to where it should have been all along — on putting the best interests of students first — Vergara has created an opportunity for all stakeholders to come together and build a better education system.  But our work is not done yet.  All states should take a look at their existing education and question whether statutes such as California’s arcane dismissal or “Last-in, First-out” laws really give all students an equal shot at reaching their full potential.  As we embark on modernizing California’s education system, we call on the legislatures in our state and across the country to continue to do just that.”

Michelle RheeStudentsFirst Founder and CEO

“Judge Treu’s groundbreaking ruling is a victory for California’s students and affirms their fundamental right to a quality education – regardless of their zip code. I applaud the parents and the nine courageous students who stood up for their future and their right to a quality education. It is my hope that this movement continues on the national stage for all of our students.

“The great promise of education is its power to end the vicious cycle of poverty and inequality that destroys too many families. While today’s ruling is a victory, the fight for students is far from over. It is now time for legislative leaders to work with the communities, parents and students they represent to build a first-class educational system in California.”

Nina Rees, National Alliance President and CEO

“This is a win for students. The court has recognized the right of all students to benefit from the instruction of a high-quality teacher, regardless of a student’s race or socioeconomic status.

“Research shows that teachers are the single most influential factor in the classroom for predicting future student success so it is important to ensure that all students have access to a high-quality teacher and are not stuck in failing schools. We look forward to seeing the precedent this sets in California, as well as the doors it will open for similar lawsuits to be filed in other states with tenure laws that fail to put the needs of students first.”

Educators 4 Excellence

“This case has ignited passions on all sides of the education spectrum. We hope today’s verdict will now spark conversations in local districts about how best to reshape education policies around critical issues like how we hire, evaluate, support and retain top talent to do the toughest and most important job on earth – teach our future.

“While litigation and legislation provide important guardrails, Educators 4 Excellence believes those directly impacted by what happens in our classrooms should be proactively identifying better strategies to improve teaching and learning. Teachers, school leaders, and parents can and should lead the conversation about the incredibly important issues facing our classrooms and careers such as teacher evaluation and dismissal. This case can be a victory for everyone involved if adults respond in a way that organizes our priorities around the needs of California’s students.”

Parent Revolution

“The implications of this are absolutely huge and will not be well understood for years. But one thing we do know is that the door for wide scale school reform is open. What the court did today was say that the laws on permanent employment, tenure, and dismissal are unconstitutional and shall not stand. In part because of the huge impact this will have, the court is expecting the state and California Teachers Association to appeal this decision (which they will).”

“The laws will not be wiped out until the appeals process is done. But appeal is a high bar. And given the strength of the students’ arguments, it would be surprising for the appellate court to reverse course on all three issues. Today is a victory for kids and for progress. Today is a victory for all of California. What this means is new laws must now be written. We have a chance to work with parents and other allies to get the laws that our children deserve and our state needs.”


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Decision in Vergara case is expected at 10 a.m. tomorrow Mon, 09 Jun 2014 20:32:03 +0000 Vergara Trial Case Ruling Tomorrow Board of Education Teacher Effectiveness Lawsuit LAUSDThe California Supreme Court has informed lawyers in Vergara v. California that Judge Rolf Treu’s decision will be issued at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

The case pits the state and its biggest teacher unions against nine students who have asked the judge to strike down five laws that govern teacher tenure, dismissal and seniority consideration for layoffs.

The case was initially filed two years ago and whatever the outcome tomorrow, the losing side is almost certain to appeal, delaying for quite awhile any changes the judge’s decision requires.



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Morning Read: Judge OKs Lawsuit Fri, 09 Nov 2012 16:50:32 +0000 Lawsuit Against Teacher Tenure Poised to Move Forward
A lawsuit to overturn teacher tenure laws and seniority rights remained on track Thursday when a Los Angeles Superior Court judge issued a tentative ruling allowing the litigation to move forward. LA Times [read full text here]

Local Votes of Confidence: Most Bonds, Parcel Taxes Pass
Proposition 30, raising statewide taxes to support education, was a nail biter, struggling to get a majority of voters behind it. But that wasn’t the case for most K-12 parcel taxes and school construction bonds on the ballot Tuesday. Ed Source

The Prop 30 Windfall – Not Yet
In its first year, more than $2 billion of Prop 30 funds will be used to start paying off the nearly $10 billion in deferrals, those late payments that forced cash-strapped district to borrow money.  Those payments should free up funds so in 2013-14, districts will start to see some real money. Ed Source

LAUSD Teacher Named One of Five California Teachers of the Year
Veronica Marquez, a fifth-grade teacher at Harmony Elementary School in South Los Angeles, was named today as one of five California Teachers of the Year by state schools Superintendent Tom Torlakson. Daily News

Where Did the Lottery Money Go?
The truth is that education budgets have shrunk so much that the lottery money just goes into the pot to help pay for what is needed—as permitted by law. But that was never its purpose. Galatzan Gazette 

Formal Recommendations on Revising Statewide Testing Due Out This Month
Setting the stage for perhaps the most critical public school issue that will come before the Legislature next year, the state board of education held its first public hearing Thursday on plans for shaping the future of student standardized testing in California. SI&A Cabinet Report


Morning Read: Prop. 30 Afterglow Thu, 08 Nov 2012 17:44:19 +0000 LAUSD Looks to Restore Some Staff, Programs With Prop. 30 Revenue
The passage of Prop. 30 means the district may be able to cancel some of the 10 unpaid furlough days facing teachers and other district employees, he said. Moving forward, some of the thousands of lost jobs may be restored. Daily News

L.A. Teachers Union Calls for Restoring Full School Year
“We recognize that Proposition 30 will not fix all our schools’ fiscal problems, but it is a tremendous step that is expected to cancel teacher furlough days and bring back the 180-day school year,” said Warren Fletcher, president of United Teachers Los Angeles on Wednesday. LA Times

Ed Advocates Foresee New Era With Supermajority
Many education advocates were giddy when they awoke Wednesday. Not only had Proposition 30 passed, with its promise of nearly $7 billion in new funding for schools and community colleges, but in an unexpected outcome, Democrats won supermajorities, two-thirds of the seats in both the State Assembly and Senate. Ed Source

Young Voters, Democrats, Latinos and L.A. County Pushed Prop. 30 to Victory
On Wednesday, political experts said turnout was key to the success of Prop. 30, with Democrats, Latinos and young people who turned out to re-elect President Barack Obama also voting to increase the state’s sales tax and the income tax on the wealthy. Daily News

Passage of Prop. 30 Hailed by Educators
For public school districts, the measure’s success was mostly about escaping another wave of severe budget cuts, including teacher layoffs, curtailed instructional time and larger classes. But for higher education, the measure is expected to reap immediate positive benefits. LA Times

Prop 30 Passed – So Now Where’s the Money?
For K-12 schools, not much may change in the short term because most districts assembled their budgets assuming that Prop 30 would pass. KPCC

SBE Approves Common Core Materials, New English Learners Standards
The California State Board of Education on Wednesday adopted a much anticipated set of new standards in reading and language arts for English learners, and approved a list of supplemental instructional materials aligned to common core standards in English and mathematics. SI&A Cabinet Report

To Make Blended Learning Work, Teachers Try Different Tactics
For many schools, finding a way to integrate the use of technology in a traditional setting — teacher-centered classrooms — is proving to be a challenge.  KQED / Mindshift

Morning Read: Election Day Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:50:50 +0000 Today is Election Day. Go vote!

Gov. Jerry Brown Crisscrosses California in Final Prop. 30 Push
To shore up support for Proposition 30, Gov. Jerry Brown goes on a 5-city swing to tout his proposal to raise taxes and head off deep cuts to public education. LA Times

Californians Started the Tax Revolt 34 Years Ago. Will They End It Today?
Today, at the behest of the same governor who came to personify the start of the tax revolt in America, Californians will decide whether they’ve had enough. After watching school funding and basic service funding atrophy for over a decade, is it finally time to call off the tax revolt? In a few hours, we’ll find out. Mother Jones

Whatever Happens to California’s Proposition 30, the Tax Revolt is Alive and Well, writes Slate’s Matthew Yglesias

Dan Walters: Campaign Disclosure Shouldn’t Be This Complicated
The dustup over the money reached a climax of sorts Monday when the Arizona organization that sent the money into California seemingly backed down and said that it came from two other nonprofit organizations that may not have to reveal their contributors under any circumstances. Sac Bee

SBE’s Packed Agenda Includes Testing Revision, Common Core Textbook Release
Critical steps are expected to be taken this week by the California State Board of Education in revising statewide testing, providing new textbooks aligned to the common core and updating curriculum standards in English language development. SI&A Cabinet Report

Ed Source has more on the Common Core vote

Morning Read: Still No Race to the Top Deal Tue, 30 Oct 2012 17:01:41 +0000 LAUSD, Other Districts Miss Out on Race to the Top Grants as Unions Won’t Sign Applications
The two sides resumed informal discussions on Monday after the deadline was extended because of Hurricane Sandy, but still couldn’t reach an agreement.  Daily News

See also the LA Times

Gov. Jerry Brown Has Yet to Pick a Central Prop. 30 Sales Pitch
Mixed messages about Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax-hike initiative underscore his struggle pitching Prop. 30 to voters and have provided fodder for foes. LA Times

Credit Rating for California School Districts Could be Downgraded if Props 30 & 38 Fail
Moody’s Investors Service says the forecast for California school districts is dire, and many are at risk of having their credit rating downgraded if both ballot measures fail. KPCC

Texas, California Do Compete – in Funding Race to the Bottom
In this state, where only 25 percent of schoolchildren are non-Hispanic whites, but 66 percent of likely voters are, it’s not hard to understand why voters are so resistant to tax increases even for public education. Ed Source

SBE’s Charter Network Struggles Like Other Schools With Federal AYP
A new report on the performance of the sprawling network of charter schools under the management of the California State Board of Education found most made progress last year – although like the majority of all other schools statewide, most board-authorized charters also failed to meet federal benchmarks. SI&A Cabinet Report

For These High School Grads, Pomp With Different Circumstances
A fall graduation ceremony in Montebello honors students who had a second chance to catch up. LA Times 

LAUSD Unveils State-of-the-Art Science Center Named for Astronaut Sally Ride
The Sally Ride Center for Environmental Science is a $4.8 million LEED-certified facility that sits behind the Sonia M. Sotomayor Learning Academies. KPCC

New Playa Vista Elementary School Opens After Overcoming Skeptics
On Monday, the brand-new Playa Vista Elementary School just off Lincoln Boulevard held its official grand opening ceremony, complete with statements from politicians, educators, parents and students – many of whom were not yet born when the plan to build the school was conceived. Daily Breeze 

Four L.A. Unified Schools to Offer Free Flu Clinics
Four schools within the Los Angeles Unified School District will offer free flu vaccination clinics Tuesday for students, their families and staff, district officials announced Monday at the Edward Roybal Learning Center. LA Times 

Morning Read: District Budget In Peril Tue, 09 Oct 2012 16:35:13 +0000 Deasy: LAUSD’s Future Rests With Voters
Los Angeles Unified is making significant progress in improving its academic achievement and graduation rates, but future gains will be in peril if voters reject a statewide tax hike to fund public schools, Superintendent John Deasy said Monday. Daily News

TV News covered the speech as well, including CBSABC, and KTLA Channel 5:

Campaign Launched To Promote Arts Education In L.A. Unified
The campaign, called “Arts Matter,” consists of messages on “hundreds of billboards, bus shelters, wall postings, mall media and bulletins,” according to organizers. Those signed up to tweet encouraging messages include singer Justin Bieber and entertainer/producer Ryan Seacrest. LA Times

Rift Widens Between Backers Of Ed Initiatives 30 And 38
All pretense of goodwill is gone between backers of the two competing education tax measures on November’s ballot. Ed Source

State Board of Ed’s Kirst Calls On Munger To Ditch Ads Attacking Governor’s Tax Plan
Mike Kirst, the governor’s appointed president of the California State Board of Education warned that proponents of Proposition 38 “are leading us down a dangerous path and imperiling the education we all care about.” SI&A Cabinet Report

Layoffs Claim L.A. Band Teacher Who Turned Novices Into Champions
Ray Vizcarra resurrected Fairfax High’s band, teaching students to play instruments from scratch. They soon won all-city competitions. But L.A. Unified had to cut jobs, and he lacked seniority. LA Times
