Music – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Tue, 13 Nov 2012 17:50:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Music – LA School Report 32 32 Morning Read: California Still Broke Tue, 13 Nov 2012 17:44:35 +0000 Budget Shortfall Latest Threat to Schools, Even With Promise of Prop 30
Around the Capitol, attention has turned to the annual revenue forecast, due from the non-partisan Legislative Analyst this week, that also offers the first hard look at the size of next year’s budget deficit. SI&A Cabinet Report

Brown to Schools: Expect Fiscal Reform, Weighted Funding in Next Year’s Budget
The Brown administration convened an invitation-only meeting late last week for representatives of the state’s public schools to clearly communicate the governor’s intent to bring back his weighted student funding formula in next year’s budget. SI&A Cabinet Report 

Ed Source has more

Bloom’s Lead Over Betsy Butler Shrinks In Latest Vote Count
In the hotly contested California Assembly District 50 race, which still yet to be called, Santa Monica Mayor Richard Bloom’s lead over Assemblywoman Betsy Butler has shrunk. LA Weekly

Music Teacher Linda Mouradian Honored as a ‘Beacon of Light’
Mouradian is one of 93 elementary arts instructors who teach at several LAUSD campuses each week, providing lessons in voice or instrumental music. Daily News 

Morning Read: Clashing Views On Evaluation Mon, 24 Sep 2012 16:46:11 +0000 Rejecting test scores as a core value  Los Angeles Times (Sandy Banks): The Chicago teachers strike reflected the nationwide divide over ‘market reforms,’ shorthand for the accountability metrics that tie teachers’ salaries and jobs to how well their students perform.

Brown signs bill spelling out evaluations (for principals) Ed Source: Without the acrimony and fanfare that doomed a teacher evaluation bill last month, the Legislature with near unanimity passed and Gov. Brown has now signed a milestone principal and teacher evaluation bill.

Analysis: Why a teachers’ strike in Los Angeles is unlikely EdSource Today:  Unlike in Chicago, where the school board is appointed by the mayor, teachers have advocates on the LA school board. In fact, the teachers union helped get them elected in the first place.

Backers say bills signed by Brown will reduce school suspensions LA Times: Advocates aiming to reform school discipline policies hailed the governor for signing four bills they say will help reduce the number of California students suspended each year.

Letter from CA to Inglewood Unified school board: you’re relieved of authority KPCC: It’s official. California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction sent a letter Thursday to Ingelwood’s elected school board members telling them the state’s taking over the school district.

San Pedro’s Science Center to remain open until June as LAUSD searches for new group to run the place Daily Breeze: San Pedro’s Science Center received a reprieve on Friday. Threatened only a week ago with closure by Oct. 1, the center now will remain open until June as Los Angeles school officials seek bids from a nonprofit or private entity to operate the facility, school officials announced.

California’s community colleges staggering during hard times LA Times: Demand is up but funding is down for California’s community colleges. Many students are shut out of needed classes, making it harder to get their degrees or transfer.

Nonprofits Unite to Keep Music in LAUSD ATVN: Adopt the Arts and Little Kids Rock—two nonprofit organizations– announced a partnership on Thursday, Sept. 20th at Rosewood Elementary School to revitalize and develop music programs in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

Harvard-Westlake building reflects standout student’s interests LA Times: The Kutler center is named for Brendan Kutler, who died in 2009 at 17. It will house a new interdisciplinary studies department that reflects Kutler’s many passions.

