Football – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Fri, 11 Sep 2015 19:50:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Football – LA School Report 32 32 Heat causes rescheduling of outdoor activities across LA Unified Fri, 11 Sep 2015 19:50:32 +0000 Heat

It’s just too hot out there. All LAUSD school teams planning outdoor sports competitions today have had to cancel or reschedule due to the heat.

LA Unified sent out a memo yesterday, canceling activities held outside before 6 p.m. Almost immediately, a flyer was posted on the basketball courts at the Miguel Contreras Learning Center, where students instead gathered inside the air conditioned gym.

The district memo reads, “As a precautionary measure, please be advised that all outdoor activities, including outdoor interscholastic athletics contests, events, and practices and Beyond the Bell outdoor programming (scheduled before 6 p.m.) have been canceled for today and Friday.”

Some of the schools moved their 3 p.m. games to 7 p.m. when temperatures are expected to be much cooler. But, some schools don’t have lights and have to change their play dates. The district will see how temperatures fare next week, when forecasts show temperatures to be lower but still higher than normal.

Morning Read: LA Times Sues for Teacher Ratings Thu, 18 Oct 2012 16:39:43 +0000 Times Sues LAUSD for Info on Teachers
The Los Angeles Times claims Los Angeles Unified School District is violating public records law by refusing to release records tying teachers, by name, to the expected and actual test scores of their students. Courthouse News Service

LA Schools to ‘Shake It Up’ With the Rest of California
As millions of Californians participate in the “Great California ShakeOut” Thursday, so will students at L.A. Unified. The district uses the day for an annual full-scale emergency drill and an opportunity to teach kids about earthquakes. KPCC

L.A. Unified Partners With Gay Advocates to End Bullying
The initiative, called Project SPIN, seeks to help gay, lesbian and transgender students deal with bullies, and more broadly, to change the district’s culture. LA Times

T.V. Camera Crews to Join Football Players for East L.A. Classic
Next week, the 78th East L.A. Classic between the Roosevelt Roughriders of Boyle Heights and the Garfield Bulldogs of East Los Angeles will be broadcast live on Time Warner Cable-the first live broadcast in more than 20 years.  Not everyone, however, has been thrilled with the idea of watching the East L.A. Classic on T.V. Eastsider 

Deschooling California: Postmodern Theory Meets Props 30 & 38
People who care about California’s children watched in horror this week as the battle between Governor Brown and Molly Munger over their dueling education initiatives descended into a Hobbesian war of all against all (with most of the “all” firmly in the governor’s camp). Ed Source (commentary) 

Students Engaged in Justice System Given Guaranteed Entry to School
Even before Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 1088 into law this fall, the Los Angeles Unified School District had enacted its own policy prohibiting its schools from denying  entry to a student solely on the basis that he or she has had involvement with the juvenile justice system. SI&A Cabinet Report

Morning Read: Ditch Private Schools! Wed, 05 Sep 2012 16:52:20 +0000 Ditching private schools LA Times (editorial): Private school students are choosing to move to charters in unexpected numbers. That’s a good thing for the education system.

LAUSD must pay $2.4 million to football player who broke neck LA Times: A 19-year-old North Hollywood High School student who broke his neck during a football tryout practice has won a $2.4-million arbitration award against the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Alternatives to suspensions, expulsions await governor’s signature SI&A Cabinet Report: Several bills designed to promote the use of alternative methods of school discipline made their way out of the Legislature last week and are now pending before Gov. Jerry Brown.

USC charter school opens in Downtown Daily Trojan Online: Los Angeles Unified School District Director of Charter Schools Jose Cole-Gutierrez said he looks forward to working with Hybrid High.
