Comments on: Brown’s Vergara appeal not so hard to understand What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:52:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Scanlan Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:52:10 +0000 Way to go, Jerry! Yeah, it was the money, wasn’t it? It didn’t have anything to do with the fact that a group of schools from a well-to-do school were propped up to file a state-wide grievance about imaginary terrible teachers that they never had. That couldn’t have influenced your decision. You probably didn’t care that this was a cheap attempt to turn fundamental protections for teachers into a trumped up Civil Rights issue. None of that matters. Yeah, it was the money. After all why would a governor with a history of making his own decisions despite approval ratings, side with a group of extravagantly wealthy civil service workers luxuriating in East Los Angeles and South LA? It couldn’t be ethics. It must have been the money, like the article says. That’s why we love you, Jerry, and that is no joke!

By: Martin Eden Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:23:28 +0000 In reply to Martin Eden.

Search that long extensive bio of Aquino now over at New Teacher Center. Any Broad mention after all the hundreds of thousands of dollars we poured into his career?


And if John Deasy went down, so do I.

Tony Villar learned the hard way that the world is unforgiving. He recalled, when the Catholic schools wouldn’t have me anymore, who took me in? The public schools. They were my inspiration. They gave me hope. They put me on a path that brought me to heights I could never have imagined back as a lost teenager.

Villaraigosa wondered if his time had already passed. Maybe the torch would be passed to Kamala Harris.

How had education reform become such a divisive issue that I, a former ACLU chapter president, would find myself on the other side of my liberal base?

What does such a smart, astute, learned and thoughtful politician as Jerry Brown know that I don’t know?

He calculated the paltry teacher union contributions to the Brown campaign.

Villaraigosa cheered himself up. Sacramento has lousy food and fiestas compared to any place in LA.

By: Martin Eden Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:18:55 +0000 In reply to Martin Eden.

Back in July, mused Villaraigos, when I wrote my WALL STREET JOURNAL Op-Ed for Vergara and for the need of Teacher Reform, that was strategic product placement.

It was the identical path trod by Rahm Emanuel and Andrew Cuomo.

So far, it’s Hillary’s route too and he had aligned his fortunes with hers. Now watch the liberals all carp about her like they do about Rahm and Cuomo. Look at how these good Dems are being challenged in their own parties by the Occupy loons for embracing of Goldman Sachs’ values.

And they-like me-groused the mayor, are bitterly despised by the teacher’s unions.

You aren’t going to get very far in politics if you ignore the interests of the business class. Hadn’t the Democrats learned that lesson enough?

That weekend, Villaraigosa talked with Bruce Reed, the current director of the Broad Foundation’s Education wing. He was distressed about the Broad brand being poisoned. It was their crowning glory that they placed both Deasy and Jaime Aquino at LAUSD’s epicenter, but now both were under intense scrutiny for well-everyone knows now. It ticked Reed off that no one was listing their time in the Broad Academy on their resumes anymore.

By: Martin Eden Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:12:41 +0000 In reply to Martin Eden.


That man was John Deasy. The one he backed to whip the district into shape.

He was now disturbed by all the trouble Deasy had gotten into and how it would reflect on his future political ambitions.

In California, you can survive failing the bar four times. You can survive a few affairs. You can survive Photo-Op travel. What you can’t survive is the failure of your signature political issue.

Villaraigosa’s plan had been pretty simple. He would follow the well-worn neo-liberal track of being a big supporter of lefty social issues but suck up to Wall Street to prove his worth to the financiers who would bankroll his future.

Education reform was going to do it.

It was his own personal Sister Souljah moment. Villaraigosa recalled that when Bill Clinton told black people how they should act and what their proper response should be, he got elected President. Of course Bill wasn’t really talking to black people—I mean who else were they supposed to vote for? Bush? It was Bill’s whistle to the white population that the Dems understood THEIR concerns and fears that the GOP so adroitly exploited since Nixon. “I have your back,” Bill winked at them.

By: Martin Eden Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:08:26 +0000 ALL THE SUPERINTENDENT’S MEN

Damn Jerry Brown.

Was he busting me personally or doesn’t he even care about the Democratic Party? Sure—he’s old. This is his last hurrah. But what about me?

When do I get my turn?

Antonio Villaraigosa still had a number of things he had to get done for his work with Herbalife, but, as always, was taking his own political pulse.

So, Brown was appealing Vergara. Brown was siding with the teacher’s union.

He was reading that $114K was contributed to them so far in his re-election coffers, and CTA another $54K. Of course none of those figures was daunting, especially considering the amount was less than his old pal Michael Bloomberg contributed to a single LAUSD School Board race. And Brown was hardly losing one wink of monk-light sleep from his what’s-his-name GOP challenger.

Teacher’s unions.

Who hasn’t seen HOUSE OF CARDS? No one likes them.

Child molester defenders. And I can say that because I’m an old UTLA rep.

The Mayor tried to make a name for himself by reforming education in LA. He personally brought in the Big Hitters to set aside money from LAUSD itself, funneling it directly to the discretion of his…
