Comments on: LA Unified Suspension Rate Accelerating Down, to 1.5 Percent What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:24:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Graham Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:24:29 +0000 Of course the suspension rate is down!! Most teachers just have to put up with bad behavior- but not at our school because we have a room to send those who disrupt class where a very mean looking teacher is waiting. No restorative justice here and thank god. They either adjust quickly or drop out, allowing teachers to teach those who want to be in school.

But I also have another trick up my sleeve- the F grade. Students know that chronic misbehavior and bullying of students or the teacher will net them an F. It usually works. The knuckleheads beg the counselor to put them in the other teachers’ classes who just give out book work they can copy from a classmate while I and my students can enjoy real education.

Yes Deasy, numbers do not tell the tale. We teachers find our own devious ways of actually being able to teach in the classroom. This includes calling student homes at 6 am. “Why are you bothering me at 6am?” “Because your son is bothering me and the rest of the class.” It means whipping out my cell phone and calling parents right then and there to pick up their little angel who has just used the “n” word.

I really feel sorry for the middle school teachers who put up with chronic disrespect and usually get NO support from their administrations. Finally once the kids hit high school they seem perplexed that they can’t misbehave and fail every class and still move on! Miss, you take off for spelling?” “Uh huh.” “Man, that ain’t fair.” This is where we are at with Deasy’s lame discipline policies.
