Comments on: Union To Ask LA Unified Board for a Stay On Dismissals* What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Wed, 23 Oct 2013 20:13:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chance. LaRue Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:03:29 +0000 In reply to Lee Barrios.

Your lips to gods’ ears, Lee.

By: Lee Barrios Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:31:44 +0000 Oh my God! Housed, jailed, rubber rooms. . . What has happened in society that the public would allow such treatment of another human being? Teachers are no different than any other person in that we all need assistance, support, leadership to perform our best. This ALEC and corporate led teacher evaluation methodology is a hoax. When will Americans stand up and say STOP! Courtrooms are waiting for some of these teachers when the public stands behind them and forces due process!

By: Chance. LaRue Mon, 14 Oct 2013 21:59:29 +0000 “The district, at multiple points, creates obstacles for UTLA to know who is even housed, or subject to dismissal proceedings,” said Fletcher.

That is ridiculous. The first thing a teacher does when he or she is sent to teacher jail is call the rep. You mean to tell me they can’t keep a tally and records? Please. Warren Fletcher has ignored teachers in distress, be they RiFs, Rehoused, displaced or assailed & overloaded. With 5o kids is a class, top down dictates and fear rampant, teachers are well aware that he has sold them out. I seriously doubt Fletcher can win this election unless he riggs it so he can, which is exactly what it appears he will do. The new well hyped online voting option, fletcher’s indifference to actual teachers while makng these gallant public pretenses coupled with a wanton refusal to provide information ( Duffy always had stats as I recall) and rejection of a reasonable request to let LWV proctor the election after concerns about the last one suggest he has this in the bag.
That is is where he is going to stay put so the district can unload all these veterans and impose the common core evaluation nightmare on these schols. Unconsionable!
