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“Nothing makes me happier than seeing parents mobilize to support the changes underway in LAUSD,” writes former School Board candidate Kate Anderson in a recent email. “Just such a mobilization is underway and you can take part.”
Anderson’s talking about the Support Our Superintendent petition that’s been circulating the past few days.
Signed by more than 1,200 people, with a goal of 2,000 by today, the petition’s purpose is “to support the work of Superintendent Deasy and the policies he has put in place.” It’s also meant to counter-balance the various UTLA polls and surveys that are meant to show teacher dissatisfaction with Superintendent Deasy.
The organizers are rallying from 10:30 – noon at the LAUSD headquarters on Beaudry today — the same day that teachers and SEIU members are also rallying.
“Please show you stand with John Deasy and President Obama by signing this petition, which will be presented by a LAUSD parent to the School Board on May 14th,” asks the Parent Partnership site, a grassroots group headed by Rene Rodman and Amy Baker who tout their independence and lack of outside funding:
“This is a 100% grassroots effort! There is no central organizing group, no big funding, no media coverage. Just community members coming together to be represented and to give input.”
Email info@parent-partnership.
Previous posts: Multiple Protests, Packed Agenda; Parents Rally for Classroom Breakfast; Union Focusing on Jobs at Tuesday Board Meeting