SB10 – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Fri, 22 Mar 2013 17:21:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SB10 – LA School Report 32 32 Morning Read: Teacher Dismissal Bill Gets New Champion Fri, 22 Mar 2013 17:21:06 +0000 Sen. Padilla Drops His Teacher Dismissal Bill
Two days after Assemblymember Joan Buchanan, D-Alamo, introduced a bill that would make it quicker and potentially cheaper to fire teachers, Sen. Alex Padillo, D-Los Angeles, has shelved his controversial version of a teacher dismissal bill and signed on as a principal co-author of hers. EdSource

L.A.’s Mayoral Rivals Walk Fine Line in Dealing With Labor
Eric Garcetti and Wendy Greuel are Democrats with long histories of supporting organized labor. But the competition for labor support has upended conventional thinking about the candidates. LA Times

L.A. Unified Officials Let Abuse Allegations Slide, Lawyers Say
Two high-level district employees heard but failed to act on accusations of sexual misconduct by an elementary school teacher, according to attorneys representing alleged victims. LA Times
See also: KPCC, KTLA

LA Unified School Board Blocks Current President From Another Term
The term limit may be the first sign that fewer members on the board of education may support the reform agenda. KPCC

Gage Middle School Students Fight Back with Kale and Yoga
After an article posted by L.A. Weekly and headlined “Huntington Park Has the Fattest Kids in California; Manhattan Beach has the Skinniest,” many parents and students spoke out in the comments section. Gage Middle School has decided to try and cut the fat. LA Weekly

Teacher Pension Problems Catch Lawmakers’ Attention
For years, problems with California’s pension fund for teachers and school employees have been growing. Now a new report says the fund needs an additional $4.5 billion every year to stay above water. LA Times

Oakland to Close 3 Charter Schools
Three of the state’s highest-performing schools must shut down at the end of this school year after administrators failed to acknowledge and address illegal activity and serious lapses in financial and administrative oversight, the Oakland school board decided Wednesday night. SF Chronicle

Resident Enrollment to Carpenter Closes at Midnight Tonight
At midnight Friday night, it’s the deadline for families to apply to the charter-affiliated school that is reaching its capacity enrollment. Studio City Patch

Which Path for the Common Core?
As educators across the country implement the Common Core State Standards, we see two paths emerging … and diverging. EdWeek Commentary

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