Comments on: Deasy Requests Changes to Teacher Dismissal Bill What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Wed, 10 Jul 2013 20:30:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chance. LaRue Wed, 10 Jul 2013 20:30:21 +0000 I support an easier, quicker resolution in cases in teacher misconduct cases. Perverts are an insidous element among teachers that have to go. With this said, I am compelled to point out that the district notoriously protects perverts to cover its own asterick. The cases are copious enough to illustrate that.
Despite this loaded language and a litany of lurid sex scandals at LAUSD, many teachers are not fired for being abusive to students. In fact, incompetence is not even a large part of the excuses used to justify termination of teachers. Ironically, those who are ruined by low test sxores and poor evaluations are typically solid educators with outstanding records of service. They, like others brutally robbed of their positions and reputation share a common characteristic; they are veterNs over 40 close to vesting in life time healthcare and substansiL pensions.
Deasy is interesting in imposing his will on state laws flr several reasons. If the law is put into effect, his shameless violations of the former codes will be easier to excuse. It will also allow him to dismiss any of his teachers on a whim, establishing an at will employee status for the profession that will diminish the importance of their work, the wages it deserves and the power of people devoted to public education for the people.
