Comments on: Senators’ Silence Dooms Teacher Evaluation Bill What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Tue, 07 May 2013 17:07:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Lee Schwartz Tue, 07 May 2013 17:07:30 +0000 StudentsFirst is Rhee’s child, and cares not a whit about learning or students…it is all about her and charter schools. She is no educator.
Deasy’s interest in evaluating teachers is a joke, as he ‘evaluated’ the cream of LAUSD out the door. Lat year 852 teachers were accused as they approached the vesting of their pensions. All were fired. NOT one was given the chance, under DUE PROCESS to confront the allegations of misconduct or incompetence. So much for the Charleton Deasy (see for the reality of LAUSD and this disaster for education.

Anyone who is interested in genuine evaluation as per the genuine National Standards research, THE PEW FUNDED huge, third level research, which gave us the totally ignored PRINCILES Of LEARING (not teaching). This is the RUBRIC for authentic performance evaluation and it appears NO WHERE.

My practice (yes PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE) was selected by Harvard (which presented the PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING AS THE THESIS) to be a cohort for the standards. My students consistently scored at the top of all exams, and were accepted to the top NYC high schools, and they wanted to know what I did to enable them.

I met all the indicators for excellent practice, and was the recipient of the NY State English Council’s ‘EDUCATOR OF EXCElLENCE. Within a year, I was charged with incompetence. Why: because my salary was about to rise fro 58k to a longevity raise. I had 4 college degrees by then and 20 years experience. According to students and parents (and in the past, by the very people who now put out charges of incompetence) I was talented, educated , dedicated and enormously successful. Suddenly I was not, and this is the story of tens of thousands of the top PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONERS.

It is all about money, not the students, and not learning.

From the New Standards extensive study ONE PRINCIPLE which mentioned the word ‘tests’ was USED to promote standardized tests… which were NEVER part of the real standards. AUTHENTIC assessment based on GENUINE evaluation was included as a principle of LEARNING, FOR THE USE OF THE CLASSROOM TEACHER, so that each student’s actual progress could be known so the teacher could plan effectively. Tests were not a principle of learning, and certainly no way to evaluate a TEACHER-PRACTITIOENR.

The very fact that the real standards research remains hidden while the pseudo-educators like Duncan-Klein-Rhee sell their magic elixirs, is why the schools are failing. The media has no clue to that the most experienced professionals were sent packing, and now a constant stream of subs and novice practitioners fill the classrooms, and move on in 3 years.
