Commentary: No single solution to the making of great schools
By Ama Nyamekye What makes a great school? This fundamental question has been lost in a heated debate about a draft proposal spearheaded by the Broad Foundation, the most controversial part of which includes a plan to accelerate charter school growth in LAUSD. This idea has sparked concern and curiosity among parents, community members, philanthropists...
By Guest contributor | November 17, 2015
Brown Signs AB 484, Ending Old Standardized Tests in California*
The old California Standardized Tests are a thing of the past. Governor Jerry Brown just signed Assembly Bill 484, which immediately suspends the old tests and funds a trial run this year of the new Smarter Balanced Assessments, which will be taken on computers and are aligned with the new Common Core curriculum. “I’ve said...
By Hillel Aron | October 2, 2013