Comments on: At a District 1 forum, candidates sound alike on most issues What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Wed, 14 May 2014 21:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ellen Lubic Mon, 05 May 2014 20:02:42 +0000 Kudos to the brave and honest candidate, McFrazier, who had the courage and honesty to confront this issue of Parent Revolution and their agenda of charterizing/privatizing schools, and who are funded by the Walton Family Foundation and Eli Broad Foundation plus others of the free market mindset to shut down universal public education in order to push for investment opportunities rather than for improving public schools.

They have used manipulation, intimidation, and artifice, to get parents to unwittingly sign their petitions. It is well documented that they do not present facts, particularly to non English speaking parents, and they manipulate them to sign. Ben Austin and his cohorts make huge salaries for this endeavor, and this USC meeting, as was the Oct. 29, 2013, farce at Beaudry, was financed by the billionaires who want to decimate public schools and teachers unions. The generally bussed-in t-shirt brigade, who are at every meeting wearing their ParentRev uniforms, are one more way that these wealthy players denigrate inner city residents…using them for publicity, photo ops, and to foster their own greedy agendas.
