Comments on: PAC spending for Johnson gives him $200,000 advantage What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Sat, 19 Jul 2014 01:13:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Graham Sat, 19 Jul 2014 01:13:04 +0000 This just absolutely shows how screwed up South LA schools really are that the community would either vote for a charter school advocate or someone responsible for destroying many improving schools. And yet, students in this area are still oppositional when it comes to their education, Until the community gets honest about how it really doesn’t support real education or deals with the thug culture among the young very little will change.

I taught for the first time outside of South LA during summer school this year. It was an area of poverty but the contrast was striking. All students showed most days, all spoke standard English and were polite and well behaved but most striking of all- they loved to read, were fantastic writers and could stay on task for 45 minutes straight. They were wonderful human beings who were never once rude to me. This was a regular public school.

I cried today during my last day and realized I have to deal with the same horrible conditions and poor student behavior and skill level starting August 12th. And none of McKenna’s reconstitutions did a thing to improve education in South Los Angeles.
