Voting – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Fri, 10 Jun 2016 00:30:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Voting – LA School Report 32 32 2,040 LAUSD students registered to vote ahead of primary Thu, 09 Jun 2016 22:56:57 +0000 Francis Polytechnic High School students who were "deputized" and registered about 150 of their peers to vote. (courtesy)

Francis Polytechnic High School students who registered about 150 of their peers to vote. (courtesy photo)

One hundred and thirty Francis Polytechnic High School students enjoyed free raspados at lunchtime Wednesday as a reward for encouraging their peers to register to vote in the primary election.

During the month of May, 20 government students at the Sun Valley high school registered 150 Poly high school seniors and juniors to vote.

The school was part of the United Way of Greater Los Angeles’ “LA Youth Vote” program. Funded by a LA2050 grant, the United Way dispersed $500 to each school for activities to encourage students to register and to vote. The activities varied at each school and included rallies, DJs, cookies, posters and raspados.

About 2,040 LA Unified students registered to vote at 28 schools, according to data from the United Way. About 60 percent of those students were eligible to vote in Tuesday’s primary; some were not yet 18 years old but could pre-register.

Data from the United Way that shows the number of LAUSD students registered to vote this year at each participating high school.

Data from the United Way that show the number of LAUSD students registered to vote this year at each participating high school.

A bill by Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez, D-Northeast Los Angeles, signed into law in 2014 allows students to be “voter outreach coordinators” on their campuses and to register their peers to vote.

In April, Secretary of State Alex Padilla “deputized” about 200 LA Unified students and encouraged them to register 2,000 students. The students rose to the challenge and exceeded the goal.

Rachel Ochsenreither, 18, had planned on voting in the primary election even before she became deputized, but participating in the process made it that much more exciting for her.

“It was a new experience since it was my first. It kind of got me to make sure I do it every time,” the senior said of voting.

She even encouraged her mother and older sister to register to vote.

Rachel Ochsenreither, 18, who was deputized as a registrar, voted for the first time Tuesday. (courtesy)

Rachel Ochsenreither, 18, who was deputized as a registrar, voted for the first time Tuesday. (courtesy photo)

While most of her peers were excited to register, Ochsenreither said some students were skeptical of signing up. They didn’t think their vote would count or their voice would be heard, she said.

She told them, “Your vote is your voice, of course your voice will be heard.”

“That kind of convinced of them, ‘OK, maybe I should vote, because this is the year I can vote’,” she said.

Some students who registered close to the May 23 deadline had to cast provisional ballots.

Dana Brooks, a government teacher at Poly who led the school’s election activities, said that her students warned their peers that might be the case, but it didn’t prevent some of the new voters from feeling disappointed to receive a provisional ballot. (Provisional ballots are counted once the county registrar determines the voter is eligible to vote.)

This presidential election year, Brooks said her senior government students have been more engaged in the presidential election than before, which she attributes to the personalities of “Bernie and the Donald,” presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

She said the majority of her students support Sanders. When she brought in a sample ballot to review with her students, all they wanted to know was, “What number do I bubble for Bernie?,” she said.

She said she was surprised at the eagerness of her students who wanted to become deputies and were willing to participate in the training on a Saturday.

A 2015 study by UC Davis Center for Regional Change’s California Civic Engagement Project found that in the November 2014 election, youth voter turnout was the lowest for all age groups: 8.2 percent of California’s eligible youth voted, compared to 18.5 percent in the 2010 general election.

“High school youth who learn why voting is relevant to their lives, and learn how to actually register and vote, are more likely to cast ballots when they turn 18,” the study’s author, Mindy Romero, director of the California Civic Engagement Project, wrote.

LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan told KPCC in April that 63 percent of all new registered voters were 18- to 29-year-olds. He called the jump significant and unlike previous election cycles.

It is still unclear if the boost in registrations resulted in youth turning out to vote Tuesday in greater numbers. Voter turnout countywide Tuesday was about 30 percent, higher than the 2012 presidential primary (21.87 percent), but lower than the 2008 presidential primary turnout of 55.26 percent.

Elmer Roldan, who heads the United Way’s educational programs, said the LA Youth Vote program began last year with the LA Unified school board races. They registered 3,000 students in the local election.

“For us, we see this as a long-term platform for young people to be influential in the decisions that impact education,” he said. “What we envision is that we will engage young people throughout the summer and in November and really ride the wave.”

He said United Way plans on hosting student-moderated and student-run forums ahead of the school board elections in March.

Students were encouraged to share their photos on social media with the hashtag #PartyAtThePolls.

I voted. Did you?

A photo posted by @banninghsmagnet on

Reminder: Monday Voting Registration Deadline Fri, 03 May 2013 17:42:03 +0000 The runoff election that will decide Los Angeles’ new mayor, the LAUSD Board member for District 6 (East San Fernando Valley), and several other city offices is now less than a month away.

Monday, May 6 is the last day you can register to vote for the May 21 runoff. If you still haven’t registered, go here to register to vote online.

Click below for other deadlines for applying to vote by mail and to drop off a vote by mail application.

May 14, 2013 (Tuesday): The last day to apply by mail for a vote-by-mail ballot in the May runoff election.

May 20, 2013 (Monday): The last day to drop off a vote-by-mail ballot at the Los Angeles City Clerk’s election division office. (You can also fill out and mail in the vote-by-mail ballot application on the back of an official sample ballot.)

May 21, 2013 (Tuesday): Runoff election day. It’s also the last day to drop off a vote-by-mail ballot at any polling place by closing time at 8:00 p.m.

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Turnout Could Reach 30 Percent, Says Consultant Fri, 21 Dec 2012 18:31:26 +0000 Conventional wisdom is that voter turnout is always relatively low for local elections—especially so for school board races. And this is often true.  In off-year election cycles, when the only offices up for vote are City Council or Board seats, turnout can be as low as 11 percent.  Relatively small numbers of voters can sway an election one way or the other.

But the upcoming March 2013 race—when Los Angeles voters will elect a new Mayor, City Council majority, and three Board of Education members—is poised to be more like 2005, when Antonio Villaraigosa faced 11 challengers and total turnout for the city was 29 percent, according to numbers from the Los Angeles City Clerk’s office.

Mike Trujillo, a political consultant who’s worked on campaigns for Board Members Tamar Galatzan and Richard Vladovic and who is in talks to consult for Board candidates this year, says that if you consider a number of factors, including the other offices up for vote, official endorsements, and changing city demographics, there is a “27 to 30 percent voter turnout prediction [for the upcoming elections]. It’s what most of the consultants will base their models on.”

In 2005, all three LAUSD board candidates for Districts 2, 4, and 6 were unopposed, but they still drew an average of 19 percent voter turnout in their districts, according to the Clerk’s office. That’s 8 points higher than in 2007, when only city council and education board seats were contested, and the average school board turnout was 11 percent.  This election, turnout may be even higher than 2005 because there are competitive races in all three districts.

So how could this affect the 2013 Board races?

A 30 percent voter turnout is not necessarily a big number, but it is significant when compared to an 11 percent turnout. With higher turnout, candidates will have to campaign to a broader group of voters, which likely means more political spending—and possibly more mudslinging. Trujillo isn’t sure if the higher turnout will necessarily change campaign messaging, “but it could very well change the price tag.”

Previous posts: UTLA-PACE’s Robust Campaign Chest, District 4 Candidate Will Appeal Disqualification, Who Will The Coalition Pick For District 6?

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