Commentary: A blanket ban on new charters makes little sense. We need more, not less, of what works
There’s a simple and hard truth to public education in Los Angeles: education access in our city has never been equitable. Most of our well-off families live in neighborhoods with excellent neighborhood schools or can afford, and choose, private school. But for the vast majority of kids in our city — particularly low-income students, students...
By Emilio Pack and Cristina de Jesus | January 28, 2019
Emilio Pack and Cristina de Jesus: The only way forward is partnership
What kind of superintendent does the Los Angeles Unified School District need? It’s not an easy question to answer but it’s a deeply important one, especially at a moment when the district is facing crucial decisions not just about its own future, but also about the future of the 630,000 kids it serves. One of...
By Emilio Pack and Cristina de Jesus | March 21, 2018