classified employees – LA School Report What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Mon, 29 Aug 2016 15:29:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 classified employees – LA School Report 32 32 LAUSD keeps hiring as enrollment declines and financial crisis looms Mon, 29 Aug 2016 15:29:22 +0000

LA Unified officials persistently wring their hands about losing students year after year, but meanwhile the number of employees continues to rise.

In their latest tally, school district employees rose from 59,563 in the 2014-2015 school year to 59,823 last year and 60,191 in the 2016-2017 school year. (A final accounting of the actual hires will be available after the district’s Norm Day on Sept. 16.)

Last fall an Independent Financial Review Panel recommended a reduction of about 10,000 staff members, including administrators, classified and certificated personnel, for a savings of half a billion dollars a year for the district that faces a dire budget crisis.

And yet both Superintendent Michelle King and school board President Steve Zimmer have expressed the need to hire more employees, both to meet future expected shortages and to replenish the widespread cuts made under the John Deasy administration during the last recession. Meanwhile, some schools still complain of classes that are overcrowded and cuts in janitors and support staff.

About a week before the school year began, King posed with newly hired teachers and sent it out on her district Twitter account and wrote that she is “welcoming over 600 new teachers. Welcome to the family!”


And last week when touting higher test scores, King noted that the district is providing more teachers at high-needs middle schools and high schools to help support the achievement levels.

“I believe that our overall investments in teachers, instructional coaches and restorative justice counselors for our deserving schools will pay off with even better results next year and in years to come,” King said.

King noted in her informative meetings last school year that the generous health benefits package by the district along with employee numbers are a major cause for the financial drain on the district and there’s a drastic need to act quickly to remain solvent.

Michelle King and Steve Zimmer after the speech

Michelle King and Steve Zimmer

Yet the school board last week approved hiring 1,632 more classified, certificated and unclassified employees. And they approved 537 new hires, mostly teachers and counselors, 51 of them with provisional intern permits.

The district over the last year has decreased the number of teachers, from 26,827 to this year’s estimated 26,556. The biggest increase in personnel includes K-12 administrators, nurses, counselors and psychologists.

Zimmer expressed strong concern about not having the needed academic counselors for students in upcoming years and encouraged the superintendent to let nearby colleges and universities know they are hiring for those positions.

Chief Academic Officer Frances Gipson said the additional teachers are an investment in class size reductions and adding to elective opportunities in middle and high schools. She said the teachers will help replenish past losses in classes involving arts, robotics, physical education and leadership courses.

“It means we’re hiring,” Gipson said. She noted that the employee numbers “ebb and flow” due to retirements and transfers.

On the district’s employment site, the public non-classified opportunities include everything from carpenter to sign language interpreter. A listed accounting position can yield $111,000 a year.

It was a surprise to school board members late last year when they saw that administrative staff increased 22 percent in the last five years. In the superintendent’s report, the number of teachers had dropped 9 percent in the same period. And teachers and certified staff are aging toward retirement, heading toward a possible teacher shortage.

King said she will outline her cost-saving measures to the school board later in the year.

Report urges ending ‘cruel summer’ for CA classified school workers Tue, 21 Apr 2015 19:48:10 +0000 cafeteria workerSupporters of a state bill aimed at making classified school employees eligible for unemployment benefits over the summer are touting a new report that found an overall economic benefit, should it become law.

Introduced by Assembly Member Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, Assembly Bill 399 would make over 248,000 classified workers eligible for benefits over the summer months when they are not working in their schools. Classified workers are school employees that do not require certification for employment such as cafeteria workers, teaching assistants, bus drivers and others. LA Unified employs over 29,000 classified workers.

In a phone call with reporters today, supporters of the bill discussed a new report from the nonprofit Economic Roundtable titled “Cruel Summer: Economic Impacts of Extending Unemployment Benefits to Public K-12 Classified Workers in the State of California.” The report highlighted the economic hardship many classified employees currently suffer during the summer and said passage of the bill would generate economic benefits for the state.

“The least we can do is provide a respite for the cruel summer,” Ridley-Thomas said.

State law assumes that all school employees make enough during the nine-month school year to sustain themselves during the summer and are, therefore, ineligible for unemployment benefits. But the average classified school employee in the state makes $20,700 annually, compared with an average $80,817 for an administrator and $57,582 for a teacher, according to the report.

It is also assumed that the workers can find temporary jobs over the summer, but that is not always the case.

“Every summer seems to be like a nightmare, and usually the workers fall into a cycle of debt and poverty,” said Max Arias of SEIU Local 99, the union that represents LA Unified’s classified workers.

The report also found that 10 percent of classified workers statewide are living in poverty, 11 percent use food stamps, and 14 percent lack health insurance. If benefits were extended to classified workers, the report estimates that 28 percent would utilize them for a total of $153 million, but the economic stimulus to the state would be $187 million.

“During these summer months, workers could really use these benefits to stay afloat. Without it, they and local businesses where they would spend this added income go without,” said Patrick Burns of Economic Roundtable.

Esmeralda Torres, a special education assistant with LA Unified, explained how difficult it is to find work in the summer.

“Every summer we struggle. I wonder every year if I can afford to stay at the job I love, but education is my life. I can’t imagine another job,” she said. “I go around to the local restaurants and shops, but no one wants to hire me for such a short time.”

Ridley-Thomas said the bill is the third attempt in recent years to secure economic benefits for classified workers, but the first two never made it out of the Committee on Appropriations. His bill is headed there soon, but he said the outlook for this bill to pass is stronger.

“What has changed is the leadership of the House, in both Houses, and the revenues that are coming in via Proposition 30, which are significantly higher than anticipated,” Ridley-Thomas said.




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