Comments on: Cortines backpedals from statement that charters get more What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:44:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: pd Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:44:00 +0000 That’s whats so stupid about our BOE and California in general. They undermine public schools and divert public monies to charters who set themselves up much like the public school districts, siphoning monies, public monies, to enrich the private charter organization. No oversight, heck, we have no accounting of where this public money goes except to the charter organization,. How dumb is BOE and California for encouraging their own destruction and that of public schools. DUMB!

By: Joanne Jacobs Sat, 13 Dec 2014 03:37:00 +0000 In reply to Mariana Petoom.

Charters must accept all students who apply. If too many want seats, they hold a lottery.

By: Al Holcomb Fri, 12 Dec 2014 20:49:00 +0000 In reply to ogoldendecoy.

Why are you giving him oxygen?

By: ogoldendecoy Fri, 12 Dec 2014 20:11:00 +0000 In reply to rajacharya.

Sheesh . . . Raj . . .

Do you cut and paste that “hatred” rhetoric from a saved file or do you actually type it each and every time you’ve posted it to the point of nausea here at LA School Report?

Do you even reside in the LA School District area, or California for that matter?


By: rajacharya Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:18:00 +0000 In reply to momsandschools.

Comments here are not based on facts or knowledge. Simply based on hatred.

By: momsandschools Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:12:00 +0000 i guess i understand that some of the people who commented on this post may be terribly uninformed – I mean who even knows what ‘privatized corporate schools’ means? Corporations don’t own charters, except in as much as they pay taxes which help fund all public schools. Do you want Corps to stop paying taxes? I think they should pay more taxes – AND give generous contributions to support schools.

But what i don’t understand how the Supe could make such a mistake. He really should know basic facts about funding.

By: Al Holcomb Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:34:00 +0000 In reply to Billy Boyd.

Hang in there, Billy Boy. It’s not going to last forever. College grads aren’t becoming teachers anymore — following the premise that only an idiot would now sign up for this profession — and charter schools only hold on to teachers an average of four years. Churn and burn means teacher shortages, which means sooner or later, the District is going to have to play ball with UTLA

By: Mariana Petoom Fri, 12 Dec 2014 03:45:00 +0000 Charter schools are the academic wolves in sheep’s clothing. They are private schools on the taxpayers’ dime. They can reject ‘undesirable’ students, for instance those with learning disabilities. They cherry pick their student bodies to get the cream of the crop. This is outrageous and undemocratic. They should be abolished so there is equal educational opportunity for all.

By: Billy Boyd Fri, 12 Dec 2014 03:02:00 +0000 Unbelievable. Our district is going down in flames right before our very eyes – to be broken up into little private charters, suckin up the funds of the state and filthy corporate philanthropists combined. Teachers will have no power, as no union will ever be allowed for these privatized corporate schools. Low wage labor with 0 job security – just the way the elite have planned it. The rich get richer while the middle class get poorer. What are we going to do about it? Watch the sink ship before our very eyes or kick these greedy pigs in the ass and get them out of our boat. Fight, people, fight! This is our livelihood on the line. This is our call. This is our house.

By: Education Director ERNC Fri, 12 Dec 2014 01:10:00 +0000 Cortinez was right when you consider charters get all of their ADA and Title I funds, while Beaudry takes a giant slice out of these school site funds before they ever reach the school.
